Four Democrats outraise GOP incumbents in Ohio U.S. House races

Four Democratic challengers out raised Republican U.S. House incumbents last quarter, including Rep. Steve Stivers, the Upper Arlington Republican who oversees the House Republicans' campaign efforts. Stivers raised $484,242 last quarter to newcomer Rick Neal's $496,309 - a difference of more than $10,000.

Democrats want Medicaid work requirement waiver rescinded

U.S. Reps. Tim Ryan, Marcy Kaptur, Marcia Fudge and Joyce Beatty in a letter Thursday questioned "the very rationale" of a Medicaid waiver Ohio submitted to the federal government May 1. It lays out details for imposing a work and community engagement requirement state lawmakers passed last summer.

Dems, voters group try to unite in 12th District

WASHINGTON - In the year-plus since Donald Trump was elected, a group of voters largely opposed to the GOP president have become one of the most boisterous, organized political groups in the 12th Congressional District. The group, which calls itself “Indivisible Ohio District 12,” gathered weekly at then-Rep. Pat Tiberi's district office in Columbus, urging the Genoa Township Republican to oppose Trump policies.

Fights over voting rights a prelude to November midterm election

Rep. Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio, second from right, is seen during a rally outside the Supreme Court on January 10, 2018, to oppose Ohio's voter purging system. The court heard arguments on whether Ohio has been too strict in setting in motion a voter registration removal process if the individual hasen't voted in a federal election for two years.

Editorials from around Ohio

What does President Trump ask the country to believe? On Saturday, he insisted again via Twitter that there was "no Collusion and there was no Obstruction." Yet rather than let the investigation of the Russian intervention into 2016 presidential election play out, confident the facts will fall in his favor, the president contends the FBI and the Department of Justice are out to pin false charges on him.

House passes spending bills; Senate expected to follow

WASHINGTON - Congress Thursday appeared poised to effectively evade the last-minute threat of a government shutdown, with the House passing a bill to keep the government open through Jan. 19 and the Senate poised to follow suit later Thursday or early Friday. The spending bill - which included a $2.85 billion down payment aimed at keeping the federal Children's Health Insurance Program operational as well as reauthorizing federal surveillance powers - passed after House leadership was able to convince a group of Defense hawks including Rep. Mike Turner, R–Dayton, to overcome their reservations about the spending bill.

Ohio delegation praises Mueller appointment

Ohio lawmakers from both parties Wednesday praised the former FBI director who will now oversee the Justice Department's investigation of the Trump administration's possible ties to the Russians, saying his intellect and experience make him highly qualified. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced that former FBI Director Robert Mueller will serve as special counsel to oversee the investigation.

Trump’s birther flip meets with skepticism from many blacks

In this July 8, 2016 file photo, Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Rep. G. K. Butterfield, D-N.C., center, accompanied by, from left, Rep. Joyce Beatty , D-Ohio, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., Butterfield, Rep. Gregory W. Meeks, D-N.Y., and Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. Black voters reacted skeptically on Friday to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's public admission that he now believes the nation's first black president was indeed born in the United States.

Women paying for IVF they don’t need, says Lord Winston: Fertility …

Illegal immigrant convicted of murdering Chandra Levy in 2001 will be RELEASED and WON'T be retried as prosecutors drop the charges based on new leads in death of Congressman's mistress EXCLUSIVE: ANOTHER 90s scandal returns to haunt the Clintons - Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill's re-election campaign faces Congress quiz after being arrested by FBI over bribery Disgraced Democratic Party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has POLICE ESCORT at Philadelphia convention as insiders line up to reveal her egomaniacal management style Can YouTube predict the election? Interactive map reveals most watched candidates in every state - and Donald Trump tops the chart with over a million having watched a tour of his private jet Moment of reckoning: Clinton's speech will accuse Donald Trump of being an affront to the nation's values - and multimillionaire Clinton will attack the ... (more)

Democrats try to rain on Donald Trump’s parade

While Republicans prepared for their third day of presidential nomination festivities at the Quicken Loan Arena, their Democratic opposition did their best to douse the electorate's ardor for GOP nominee Donald Trump. Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida declared that Republicans have adopted an "attack, lie and distract" strategy because they have no plan on how to put Americans to work and unify the country.