Democrats want Medicaid work requirement waiver rescinded

U.S. Reps. Tim Ryan, Marcy Kaptur, Marcia Fudge and Joyce Beatty in a letter Thursday questioned "the very rationale" of a Medicaid waiver Ohio submitted to the federal government May 1. It lays out details for imposing a work and community engagement requirement state lawmakers passed last summer.

Ohio Congress members seek federal money to fight opioid abuse

Weeks after President Donald Trump officially declared opioid abuse to be a national public health emergency, a bipartisan group of Congress members from Ohio wants him to put the government's money where his mouth is. On Monday, Republican Rep. Dave Joyce of Bainbridge Township and Democrat Tim Ryan of the Niles area released a letter signed by 48 colleagues that urged the Trump administration to allot money to address a problem that kills an estimated 144 Americans every day.

YSU Considers 6 Percent Tuition Hike for 2018 Freshman

Youngstown State University is considering increasing tuition and fees for next year's freshman class, despite a two-year tuition freeze approved by lawmakers in the state's current budget. The university is relying on a 2013 law to implement a 6 percent increase for students who enroll next fall; the university would then freeze that rate, guaranteeing the class would pay the same price through their four years of school.

Man falls to his death while installing hurricane shutters ahead of Irma

Obviously Hurricane Irma continues to be a threat that is going to devastate the Unite... -- A number of hurricanes are churning in the Atlantic currently, including Hurricanes Irma and Jose.Irma weakened from a Category 5 to a still-frightening Category... Senators Thad Cochran and Patrick Leahy , along with Representatives Jeff Fortenberry and Marcia Fudge , this week introduced the bipartisan Farm to ... Here's a rundown of the high school gridiron action for tonight.

Michelle Malkin: How Did the Dems’ IT Scandal Suspects Get Here?

Here is a radical proposition: The public has a right to know the immigration status and history of foreign criminal suspects. Their entrance and employment sponsorship records should not be treated like classified government secrets - especially if the public's tax dollars subsidized their salaries.

After all that, Amazon’s Whole Foods deal may be delayed

A raft of regulatory questions may delay the $13.7-billion mega-merger between Amazon and the supermarket chain as Democratic lawmakers and government officials raise antitrust concerns. Whole Foods told its investors in June that the deal was expected to close late this year, but the companies reportedly warned that it could take until May of 2018.

Kaptur, Fudge bill would create a program that would help students turn school debt into home equity

It was co-sponsored by Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge and 5 others. The bill directs the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Federal Housing Finance Agency to create a pilot program for creditworthy student debt holders to transform their student debt into an opportunity to purchase and own a home.

Urban-rural split of presidential race also fuels Democratsa leadership fight

"The people have lost trust in us, and we have to find a way to get it back," said Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, after House Democrats endured a bruising battle over their leadership . House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California prevailed, but only after insurgent Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, won 63 of the 197 votes cast.

We the People candidates forum brings platform views to residents of Cleveland’s East Side

Residents of Cleveland's East Side and the city's eastern suburbs packed into Bethany Baptist Church in the Glenville neighborhood Saturday to hear what candidates for Congress, the Ohio House and the local judiciary candidates had to say about issues impacting their neighborhood. The "We the People Candidates Forum" was hosted by Stand Up for Ohio , a non-profit organization that operates statewide and works to "achieve racial, social and economic justice for all Ohioans," according to the group's website.

Former Ohio Rep. Steve LaTourette dies at age 62

The former Ohio lawmaker, who retired in 2012, was a part of the Republican wave in 1994 that swept the GOP into congressional power for the first time in decades. "I am proud to have known and worked with Steve LaTourette.

Democrats want Black Lives Matter group president to resign over Rob Portman’s endorsement

The Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Monday asked Jeff Mixon , who has a group called Black Lives Matter in Cuyahoga County, to resign from the party's executive committee in light of an endorsement by Mixon's group of a Republican U.S. senator's reelection. By endorsing Sen. Rob Portman when the party has endorsed Portman's Democratic challenger, former Ohio Gov. Rob Portman, Mixon violated the local party's unity rule, said party chairman Stuart Garson.

After day of discord, Dems open convention

The Democratic National Convention kicked off Monday without its outgoing Democratic National Committee chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, following a chaotic scene at a morning meeting where she was loudly jeered by Bernie Sanders supporters. "I have decided that in the interest of making sure that we can start the Democratic convention on a high note that I am not going to gavel in the convention," Wasserman Schultz told the Sun Sentinel newspaper in an interview.

Wasserman Schultz Out at DNC After Leaks

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz will not be speaking or presiding at this week's Democratic National Convention - a huge blow caused by the leak of internal DNC emails that suggested favoritism toward Hillary Clinton over Sen. Bernie Sanders during the primary. Instead, Rep. Marcia Fudge of Ohio will chair the convention, gaveling in and out each day's proceedings, CNN reported Sunday.