Cheryl congratulates pregnant Khloe Kardashian

Big business passes on massive corporate tax rate cut as AT&T gives EVERY worker a $1,000 bonus and Boeing, Comcast and Wells Fargo hand out wage rises and bonuses too 'We are making America great again!' Trump hauls Republican lawmakers to the White House for outdoor tax cut celebration as Mike Pence declares it a 'middle class miracle' 'Now even Alec will vote for him': Stephen Baldwin predicts his brother will want Trump re-elected in 2020 after he sees how much he's going to save on tax Dumpster driver is rescued by chef of Portland NBA player Evan Turner after crashing his truck into the star's backyard swimming pool and getting pinned inside underwater Third person killed in deadly Amtrak crash was a registered sex offender found in possession of child porn while working in IT at a college 'I was too serious before I got sick': Val Kilmer reveals how two-year battle with throat ... (more)