Glenn Beck condemns wannabe ‘warlord’ businessman despite commercial ties

Rightwing broadcaster attacks Charles Haywood after Guardian exposed his sponsorship of secret society

The rightwing broadcaster Glenn Beck has attacked Charles Haywood, a shampoo magnate and would-be “warlord”, as a “false prophet” on his radio broadcast after the Guardian exposed Haywood’s sponsorship of a secretive, far-right men-only fraternal society.

Last week Beck devoted five minutes of airtime on the Blaze – in which he read the Guardian’s article aloud and interspersed his own commentary – to criticising Haywood and Haywood’s Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR).

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Ben Shapiro: – Nikki Haley at the UN Is Basically My Spirit Animal’

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikky Haley, once again, proved why she's a woman you just don't mess with. As the U.N. General Assembly defiled the U.S.'s sovereign right to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel and its decision to move the U.S. Embassy to the recognized capital, 128 U.N. members, unashamed, voted against the move on Thursday.