Samuel L Jackson criticises Oscars for sidelining Poitier and losing mystique

The actor, who received an honorary Oscar this year, spoke out against the producers’ handling of the in memoriam section, as well as the choice of presenters

Samuel L Jackson has criticised this year’s Oscars ceremony for its handling of the death of pioneering actor Sidney Poitier, as well as their attempts to reach a wider demographic by expanding the pool of presenters.

Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Jackson said he was “still a little ticked that the greatest actor we had in Hollywood died and they gave him, what, 10 fucking seconds. No. It should have been a whole Sidney Poitier section.”

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Sidney Poitier’s defiance, grace and style changed me – and shaped my life as an actor | David Harewood

His roles in films like To Sir with Love mirrored my own experiences, and made me rethink what was possible

As a young kid, there really weren’t many black figures to aspire to, to mould yourself to. I was always glued to the telly and one night my dad put on this film, In the Heat of the Night. I will always remember the moment when Sidney Poitier came on screen as Virgil Tibbs. Seeing any black person on TV was extraordinary, but seeing someone with such ability, such grace, such style, changed me.

I knew how bad racism was in the US at that time, and watching that film I feared for this black character in that world. But there’s a moment where an older white gentleman, Endicott, slaps Tibbs, and he immediately slaps him back in the face. There was an audible gasp in our living room, quickly followed by cheers. It was a thing we’d never seen before – he was standing up, he was strong, and he wasn’t taking any shit.

David Harewood is an actor

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Sidney Poitier, Black acting pioneer, dies aged 94

The first Black person to win a best actor Oscar gave a string of groundbreaking performances on screen that helped combat social prejudice

Sidney Poitier, whose groundbreaking acting work in the 1950s and 60s paved the way for generations of Black film stars, has died aged 94. His death was announced on Friday by the minister of foreign affairs of the Bahamas, Fred Mitchell.

The Bahamas deputy prime minister, Chester Cooper, said he was “conflicted with great sadness and a sense of celebration when I learned of the passing of Sir Sidney Poitier”.

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President Oprah? Icon talks truth, justice and a a new daya in Golden Globes speech

After host Seth Meyers jokingly begged her to run for president Sunday night at the 75th Golden Globes, Oprah Winfrey sounded like she was ready to lead a brigade into battle. Winfrey, the first black woman to receive the Globes' Cecil B. DeMille Award, delivered a rousing speech covering the importance of truth, justice and equality.