Apple CEO leaves investors dangling on future dividend hike

Bill and Melinda Gates, the world's foremost philanthropists, are rethinking their work in America as they confront their unsatisfactory track record, the country's growing inequity and a president they disagree with. A report by U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill finds that drugmakers with the biggest-selling opioid painkillers contributed $10 million over six years to outside groups that could help spread their message.

EDITORIAL: Tax reform, designed to create jobs, jobs, jobs, yields its first results

The announcement on Wednesday that Apple Inc. will bring $350 billion in cash parked overseas - that's billion with a B - home to the United States, to invest here and create as many as 20,000 new jobs, is likely to be the economic story of the year. Donald Trump , who made his boast that he would "make America great again" the centerpiece of his campaign for president, couldn't have designed this play better on a blackboard.