Marchers protest racism in Italy after Africans are shot

People take to the streets to partecipate in a anti-racism march following last Saturday's attacks in the Italian city of Macerata when six Africans were wounded in a two-hour drive-by shooting spree by a right-wing extremist, in Macerata, Italy, Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018. The Italian city where a man with a neo-Nazi background shot and wounded six Africans is bracing for the possibility of violence around an anti-fascist protest march.

Italians march against racism after shooting spree against migrants

Thousands of Italians marched against racism on Saturday in the city of Macerata where a man opened fire on African migrants a week ago, injuring six people in what police said was a racially motivated attack. The shootings have dominated recent days of campaigning for Italy's March 4 parliamentary elections in which immigration is a major issue.