Adam Putnam Grabs Another Big Endorsement For Governor

The Associated Industries of Florida -one of the leading business groups in the Sunshine State-threw its support behind state Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam for governor on Monday. AIF's Board of Directors endorsed Putnam who is running in next month's Republican primary against U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla.

This disgraced politician will give back $500,000 to donors. But hea s keeping millions

Former state Sen. Jack Latvala announced this week that he has begun the process of returning half of the $1 million raised for his failed campaign for governor. But while it's virtually unprecedented for a candidate for governor to return money to nearly all 1,288 of his contributors, even donors who didn't asked for the money back, Latvala is doing what politicians have been doing in Florida for years - retaining his political committee even after his campaign has been dismantled to buy influence, contribute to campaigns and finance expenses under Florida's loose campaign-finance laws.