Kelly’s Civil War comment takes White House into the weeds on 157-year-old issue

On Nov. 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States with 39.8 percent of the popular vote in a four-person race. Why all this is interesting now, 157 years later, is that current White House Chief of Staff John Kelly came out recently with the comment that the Civil War began because the sides couldn't compromise.

Trump is winning the statue war

Trump is winning the statue war With Democrats howling about tearing down statues and supporting violent protesters, Trump is free to run the nation. Check out this story on Just last month, Democrats were talking about how they needed to rebrand their party around a positive message.

Republicans, cut the outrage. It’s time to disown Trump.

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events White nationalist demonstrators are surrounded by counter-demonstrators last weekend at the entrance to Lee Park in Charlottesville. The party of Lincoln is now the party of Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Southern slave owners who decided to kill fellow Americans so that they could keep men, women and children enslaved.

One Week Deadline: Khang & Khang LLP Announces Securities Class…

Khang & Khang LLP announces a securities class action lawsuit against Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation . Investors who purchased or otherwise acquired Booz Allen shares from May 19, 2016 through June 15, 2017, inclusive , are encouraged to contact the Firm before the August 18, 2017 lead plaintiff motion deadline.

Donald Jefferson Milhous Johnson

Like other Washington-based journalists, I'm often asked by civilians and by that, I mean non-political junkies some variation of this question: Will Donald J. Trump get impeached? The short answer is that no one knows the future, but I covered the White House in the not-so-distant past and will attest to this lesson: If a president wants to get himself impeached badly enough, he certainly can pull it off. To be more precise about the most recent case in point: William Jefferson Clinton essentially dared House Republicans to impeach him.

Why Abraham Lincoln is an icon for Republicans and Democrats alike

During the 2016 Republican presidential primary, The Washington Post's Bob Woodward and Robert Costa asked Donald Trump if he could be a "unifier" like Abraham Lincoln who expressed "'Malice toward none, charity for all.' " Trump's answer was surprising, but the fact that he was asked the question is not.

Peyton Manning joins Trump at golf club

Former NFL star Peyton Manning and Republican Sen. Bob Corker were spotted at the White House on Sunday, joining President Donald Trump in his motorcade on a trip to Trump National Golf Club. The White House did not comment on what Trump was doing at his property, but reporters saw golf clubs being unloaded from the motorcade after the President's arrival back to the White House.

Who are conservatives comparing to Adolf Hitler today?

A North Carolina lawmaker is on the defensive after he said on Facebook that Abraham Lincoln was "the same sort tyrant" as Adolf Hitler. Larry Pittman - how about you guess his party this time? - expressed these controversial and incorrect thoughts in response to postings on his Facebook page in protest of a state proposal that would once again bar same-sex marriage in the state - a law that would go against the Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell v.

“Life is a campaign”: After a difficult first month, Trump returns to his comfort zone

As President Donald Trump descended the stairs from Air Force One on Saturday evening, with a patriotic country song playing and thousands cheering, the 2020 election season officially began. Although the past several presidents have waited more than two years before jumping back onto the campaign trail, Trump's first four weeks in office have shown that he just can't stand too much time in Washington.

‘Justice Scalia’s seat’ has a history going back 150 years

On the night Judge Neil Gorsuch was nominated to fill Justice Antonin Scalia's seat on the U.S. Supreme Court, he was thinking about history. "The towering judges that have served in this particular seat on the Supreme Court, including Antonin Scalia and Robert Jackson, are much in my mind at this moment," Gorsuch said in the East Room of the White House following his nomination by President Donald Trump .

Column: A curio for the Trump era: ‘Gabriel Over the White House’

The occasion calls for it. And if our current, real-life president finds himself with a spare hour and a half, he might get an inspirational kick out of this little-known 1933 political fantasy about a leader who blows straight through his political enemies to implement a highly aggressive agenda and save the world.