Donald Trump embraces a Democratic presidential icon – and the controversy that comes with him

An ice covered statue of Andrew Jackson is seen in Washington's Lafayette Square, on March 2, 2015. Andrew Jackson is such a pillar of the Democratic Party that its biggest fundraising day is called "Jefferson-Jackson Day," with Jefferson-Jackson Dinners being held all across the country.

Trump, sworn in as US president

Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States today, succeeding Barack Obama and telling a bitterly divided country he will pursue "America First" policies at home and abroad. As scattered protests erupted elsewhere in Washington, Trump raised his right hand and put his left on a Bible used by Abraham Lincoln and repeated a 35-word oath of office from the US Constitution, with US Chief Justice John Roberts presiding.

Ex-MI6 officer linked to Trump dossier ‘still working for British intelligence’

Russia has claimed the former MI6 officer reportedly responsible for an explosive dossier on Donald Trump may still be working for British intelligence. Christopher Steele has apparently gone into hiding after being identified as the author of the report claiming Moscow held incriminating material on the US president-elect which it could use to blackmail him.

In 2005, this iconic civil rights activist died

Here, every seat in the United Nations General Assembly is filled as President Harry S. Truman addresses the assembly at Flushing Meadow, New York, Oct. 24, 1950 on the fifth anniversary of the U.N. charter. On Oct. 24, 1962, a naval quarantine of Cuba ordered by President John F. Kennedy went into effect during the missile crisis.

The Unbearable Smallness of Benjamin Netanyahu, Cont’d

Only 20 people work here now, down from a peak of 120, and the rest will soon be gone, too, following their colleagues and fanning out to the campuses. Disassembled cubicles and crates of documents are piled in the corners of the 36,000-square-foot space, and light shines from the doors of the few lonely offices still occupied.

Trump: Democrats the Party of ‘Slavery’

Donald Trump, pressing an effort to woo traditionally Democratic voting black and Hispanic voters, is portraying the party as one tied to a notorious history of slavery and segregation. The Washington Post reports the GOP nominee, on the stump in the state of Washington Tuesday night, argued no group has suffered more under Hillary Clinton's policies than African-Americans.

I Want An Inclusive Country: Trump Tells African-Americans

Seeking to reboot his flagging presidential bid, Donald Trump has made a strong pitch to African-American voters, saying he wants the Republican party to become their home once again as it used to be in the Abraham Lincoln-era. "The GOP is the Party of Lincoln and I want our party to be the home of the African-American vote once again.

Trump wants GOP to court black voters — then slams voting rights for felons

But in the same speech here, he again slammed an order by the state's Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe, to restore voting rights to some convicted felons who have completed their sentences, a move McAuliffe says could help African-Americans who were disproportionally affected by laws that put lifetime bans on felons. "The GOP is the party of Abraham Lincoln," Trump said.

Trump calls on GOP to improve African-American outreach

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said his party must do a better job appealing to African-American voters and that he wants the GOP to become their political home as it was in the era of Abraham Lincoln. "I fully recognize that outreach to the African-American community is an area where the Republican Party must do better, and will do better," Trump said during a rally in Fredericksburg, located between Richmond and Washington in the critical battleground state of Virginia.

Republicans Use Hillary Clinton to Unite Divided GOP

On the night Donald Trump officially became the nominee of the party of Abraham Lincoln , the GOP's top leaders laid out their case for his election: Have you seen Hillary Clinton? The Democratic nominee on Tuesday night, perhaps even more than Trump, was again the star of the convention even as the night was tentatively themed "Make America Work Again" and focused on the economy. Few speakers addressed the topic of jobs, using their time on the podium to litigate a host of other issues against Clinton.

Clinton: ‘Party of Lincoln’ becoming ‘Party of Trump’

Hillary Clinton, standing inside the same chamber that helped shape Abraham Lincoln into the father of the Republican Party, argued Wednesday that Donald Trump was perverting what his party once stood for. Clinton, flanked by American flags and standing beneath a portrait of George Washington, said Trump is dividing the United States and is a far cry from Lincoln, who argued against slavery in the same chamber in 1858, famously telling the assembled lawmakers that "a house divided against itself cannot stand."

‘Trump Still Working on his Political Ideology’

Jeff Morris and Joyce Peppin represent both ends of the political spectrum in the United States of America - Democrat and Republican parties respectively. In an interactive session on the US presidential elections held at Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry , Federation House in June 2016, American leaders Jeff Morris and Joyce Peppin spoke extensively about the US elections 2016 and shared their views and insights on the most anticipated elections in the world.