The Latest: Video gunmana s history wouldna t stop gun buys

Experts in Maryland say the video gaming gunman's history of mental illness apparently wouldn't have stopped him from buying guns before he killed two people and wounded 10 and then killed himself at a tournament in Florida. Maryland law prevents someone from passing a background check to buy guns if they were either involuntarily committed for any period of time or voluntarily admitted to a psychiatric facility for at least 30 consecutive days.

An unscientific analysis of the Florida delegation’s feelings on orange juice

In addition to being the day the House of Representatives passed an Obamacare repeal bill and the unofficial Star Wars day, Thursday was also National Orange Juice Day. It's a totally real thing promoted by the state's Department of Citrus, which you should not be surprised to hear is also a real thing.

GOP ‘giddy’ as Obamacare repeal vote nears

The mood among House Republicans is jubilant Thursday morning as they prepare to vote for their bill to repeal and replace Obamacare. The first test vote easily passed along party lines, with a final vote on the bill expected in the 1 p.m. ET hour on the legislation, would dismantle the pillars of the Affordable Care Act and make sweeping changes to the nation's health care system.

Paul Ryan expected to be re-elected as House speaker Tuesday

Paul Ryan is expected to be easily re-elected Tuesday as speaker of the House, kicking off the new Congress and marking a quiet end following a year that saw both parties questioning their congressional leadership. Ryan was re-elected by the House Republican conference in November to serve a second term as speaker of the House.

Are the Republicans Going the Way of the Whigs?

One often hears commentators argue that the Republican party is in danger of following the Whig party into oblivion. The implication is that the Whig party was as out of place in the modern world as the Stegosaurus, and that the contemporary Republicans resemble them in their quaint archaism.

In 2005, this iconic civil rights activist died

Here, every seat in the United Nations General Assembly is filled as President Harry S. Truman addresses the assembly at Flushing Meadow, New York, Oct. 24, 1950 on the fifth anniversary of the U.N. charter. On Oct. 24, 1962, a naval quarantine of Cuba ordered by President John F. Kennedy went into effect during the missile crisis.

‘We need to defeat these AWFUL Republicans’: Democrats send out a…

'We need to defeat these AWFUL Republicans': Democrats send out a flurry of fundraising emails to profit from gun control sit-in The DCCC sent out a number of emails, which starred Congressman John Lewis, who led the protest, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Pelosi called the Republicans' moves 'shameful,' while Rep. Louie Gohmert shamed the Democrats for fundraising off 'deaths of these people' Democrats were taking a stand - by having a seat on the House floor and refusing to budge until Republicans agreed to have gun control votes - but they were making a buck too.