Indicted Congressman Reverses Course, Says He Will Campaign For Re-Election

An indicted New York congressman who had announced he was withdrawing from his race has reversed course and now says he will continue to campaign for re-election and plans to serve again if he wins this November. In a campaign statement announcing the decision Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y. said, "The stakes are too high to allow the radical left to take control of this seat in Congress."

GOP officials: Indicted Rep. Chris Collins to stay on ballot

Indicted U.S. Rep. Chris Collins of New York will remain on the November ballot despite previously suspending his campaign, confounding Republican Party leaders in his district Monday who had counted on Collins' cooperation to replace him. The surprise decision by Collins, who pleaded not guilty to insider trading charges in August, throws the race for the western New York seat further into turmoil.

Indicted New York congressman calls criminal probe a shock Source: AP

Indicted Republican Rep. Chris Collins said it was "the shock of all shocks" when he learned from two federal agents that he was under criminal investigation, and he acknowledged reports that he had rejected a plea deal. In an interview airing Monday, the three-term New York lawmaker told Buffalo television station WIVB that he thought the agents came to him in April to talk about an ongoing congressional ethics probe related to his ties to a biotechnology company.

Indicted New York congressman calls criminal probe a shock

Indicted Republican Rep. Chris Collins said it was "the shock of all shocks" when he learned from two federal agents that he was under criminal investigation, and he acknowledged reports that he had rejected a plea deal. In an interview airing Monday, the three-term New York lawmaker told Buffalo television station WIVB that he thought the agents came to him in April to talk about an ongoing congressional ethics probe related to his ties to a biotechnology company.

Voters celebrate Nate McMurray’s campaign for Congress, blast GOP…

Exactly one month since Congressman Chris Collins suspended his re-election bid after his indictment by the FBI for insider trading, voters in New York's 27th Congressional District have made their voices heard supporting the Democratic and Working Families Party candidate Nate McMurray who has been campaigning ceaselessly in every corner of the district, hearing the concerns of voters. "Hardworking," "genuine" and "a young, fresh face" are just some of the words voters are using to describe McMurray in the pages of at least half a dozen newspapers across the district.

Pence disavows ouster attempt

Vice President Mike Pence might have the most to gain from a premature end to Donald Trump's presidency, but in an interview aired Sunday, he forcefully denied engaging in any discussion about invoking the 25th Amendment to eject Trump from office. The vice president, who made appearances on two major Sunday news-talk shows, also delivered a sweeping condemnation of Watergate journalist Bob Woodward's depiction of a capricious and incurious president, and again denied authorship of a stinging anonymous op-ed piece published last week in The New York Times that describes high-level officials discussing removing Trump.

News Media Find Trump Guilty of Treason

Since President Trump's press conference in Helsinki on Monday, many in the liberal media have hyperventilated about how his lack of aggression toward Russian President Putin makes him somehow guilty of treason. Nevertheless, in a Tuesday interview with Rep. Chris Collins on Cuomo Primetime , CNN's Chris Cuomo bristled at the Congressman's allegations that the media had played any role in the word's newfound ubiquity.

Ryan says Trump backs compromise immigration plan

President Donald Trump backs compromise immigration legislation that House Republican leaders are trying to craft in hopes of ending the party's standoff over the issue, Speaker Paul Ryan told GOP lawmakers Wednesday. Details of the measure remained in negotiation between conservatives and moderates, and whatever emerges faces an uphill climb.

John Katko among 20 GOP rebels trying to force House immigration vote

U.S. Rep. John Katko has joined a group of 20 Republican moderates openly rebelling against party leaders by trying to force a vote on a series of immigration bills. Katko, R-Camillus, signed a petition that could force an open-ended debate and votes on four bills aimed at preserving an Obama-era program that allowed young, undocumented immigrants to remain in the country without fear of deportation.

Williamsville business owner announces candidacy for NY-27

Joan Elizabeth Seamans is a strong, compassionate woman who is ready to bring back decency and be a voice for the people of NY Congressional District 27. "I fiercely oppose the cycle of special interests funding campaigns and legislation that benefits the wealthy instead of the people in NY District 27. My opponent, Chris Collins, has confirmed this practice. "My donors are basically saying, 'Get it done or don't ever call me again,' "It is time for "trickle up" economics and legislation that gives the people in the district opportunity and financial security instead of the wealthy and corporations."

4 questions for Democrats as Republicans celebrate their tax plan

Democrats suffered their first major legislative defeat of the Trump era on Wednesday, when congressional Republicans, snake-bitten by internal rifts for the first 11 months of Donald Trump's presidency, delivered a massive tax overhaul to his desk. In news conferences, op-eds and social media, Democratic lawmakers railed against the bill, which has more breaks for corporations than individuals and over time skews sharply in favor of the rich and big business, but they ultimately lacked any meaningful power and could not stop its progress.

Stefanik to vote “no” on GOP tax bill

On the eve of the House vote to approve the final draft of the GOP tax bill, Rep. Elise Stefanik said she would vote "no'' because of limits placed on the state-and-local tax deductions upon which many New York taxpayers depend. The revised bill is scheduled for a vote in the House Tuesday and in the Senate on Wednesday.

Is Citizens United to Blame for the Disastrous GOP Tax Bill?

Let's get one thing out of the way: Very few Americans want or even understand the sweeping tax bill Republicans are right now conspiring to ram through Congress. The bill has never polled particularly well and it's not getting better Just shy of 3 in 10 Americans said they supported the legislation in a new poll by Quinnipiac University.

Three Candidates In The Race Against Cong. Collins Hear Them Here

Tom Casey, a retired wastewater plant engineer announced his candidacy for Congress Tuesday evening, joining Erie County Asst. Dist Attorney Sean Bunny and Nicholas Stankevich of Monroe County in a crowded field that could get even larger before someone is selected by Democrats to challenge incumbent Republican Chris Collins in the 27th district.

Hill Republican dilemma: Dash to pass tax reform or face donor backlash

Republicans aren't hiding a key part of their motivation to pass tax reform in the weeks ahead: if they don't do something -- anything-- the donor class could abandon them and imperil their chances of keeping the majority in 2018 In a candid moment last week, Rep. Chris Collins conveyed out loud what many members have been thinking for months. "My donors are basically saying, 'Get it done or don't ever call me again,'" the New York Republican told The Hill.