A look at competitive House races in California

California is a state where President Donald Trump is unpopular and Democrats hold a 3.7-million voter registration edge. That combination could help propel Democrats to victory in battleground congressional districts and give the party control of the U.S. House.

Trumpa s tariffs put GOP candidates in a bind in rural areas

In the aptly named Harvester Restaurant, wheat farmer Roy Dube makes clear he's no fan of President Donald Trump's trade policy. "We get him elected into office and he pulls us out of trade agreements," Dube said last week as local farmers gathered to hear Democratic House candidate Lisa Brown.

Trump’s tariffs put GOP candidates in a bind in rural areas

In this July 17, 2018, photo, Lisa Brown, the Democratic opponent to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., speaks during a candidates forum in Colfax, Wash. Some Democratic candidates are determined not to let Republican members of Congress distance themselves from the president's trade policies.

In one tweet, Trump confuses everything about California bushfires

Los Angeles: No one would mistake President Donald Trump for an expert on climate change or water policy, but a tweet he issued late Sunday about California's bushfires deserves some sort of award for most glaring misstatements about those two issues in the smallest number of words. Trump blamed the fires on "bad environmental laws which aren't allowing massive amount of readily available water to be properly utilised."

Sikh man is ‘attacked and beaten by white supremacists’

Days of Double Takes: How the world's largest festival for twins, triplets and 'multiples' takes over Twinsburg, Ohio each summer - as thousands celebrate everything from 'twinness' and talent ... to wedding bells Sikh man is 'attacked and beaten by white supremacists' before they spray-painted 'go back to your country' on his truck in 'heinous hate crime' Surjit Malhi said that he was putting up campaign signs for Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Calif., at night when two men ambushed him Malhi said he believes the turban he was wearing saved his life during the attack, saying it softened the blows to his head Two men are being sought by police for beating a Sikh man and spray-painting a racist message on his truck in what they're calling a hate crime.

Natural Resources Secretary John Laird Opposes Rider Banning Delta Tunnels Lawsuits

"I am writing to express opposition to recent attempts by Congress to circumvent California's water management framework by adding riders to the Appropriations billl," said California Natural Resources Secretary John Laird. In a victory for Delta Tunnels opponents urging the Brown administration to oppose Congressman Ken Calvert's rider banning judicial review of the tunnels and other water projects, California Natural Resources Secretary Laird on July 17 sent a letter to members on the Senate and House committees on appropriations opposing the language.

US Congress rejects immigration bill after Republican split

Washington: House Republicans fell far short on their second attempt to pass a GOP-only immigration bill, notching one more failure on US President Donald Trump's signature issue just months before they try to defend their majority in midterm elections. The attempt to come up with legislation that would appeal to moderate and conservative Republicans failed, 121 to 301.

News Republican immigration bill faces likely defeat in House

A far-reaching Republican immigration bill is careening toward likely House rejection, a defeat that would be a telling rebuff of the leaders of a divided GOP. The party's lawmakers are considering Plan B: Passing legislation by week's end curbing the Trump administration's contentious separating of migrant families.

California officials divided on ‘zero-tolerance’ immigration policy


Moderate GOP voices on immigration are at risk of a November wipeout in the House

House Republicans are at risk of losing several of their members in the midterm elections who are more moderate on the issue of immigration. Immigration has re-emerged as part of the national conversation in recent weeks as lawmakers in Congress attempted to address the fate of those immigrants affected by the expiring Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Despite whiners, top two again works as planned

It happens every two years during the spring primary election season: One major party or the other feels wronged by the top-two primary system Californians adopted in 2010 and whines for months about its plight. In 2016, the griping came from Republicans whose vote splintered in the primary run for the U.S. Senate and left the eventual November runoff field to two Democrats, Kamala Harris winning the seat previously held by three-termer Barbara Boxer.

GOP seeks immigration accord under pressure from moderates

House Republicans labored to strike an immigration accord Tuesday, the day restive moderates have said they'd move to force future votes on the divisive issue if no compromise is reached. Aides said any deal would likely include provisions changing how immigrant children are separated from their families at the border.

House Republican factions hunt for immigration deal

Reporters pursue Marc Short, the White House legislative liaison, as House Republicans try to bridge their party's internal struggle over immigration at a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, June... . House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions, R-Texas, answers questions from reporters as House Republicans try to bridge their party's internal struggle over immigration at a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill in Wash... .

Tentative GOP immigration deal for ‘Dreamers’ in the works

Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Calif., arrives for a closed-door GOP meeting in the basement of the Capitol as the Republican leadership tries to reach a policy agreement between conservatives and moderates on immigration, in Washington, Thursday, June 7, 2018. Denham and other moderates need just two more GOP signatures on a petition to require immigration votes, assuming all Democrats sign on.

GOP moderate leader: Tentative immigration deal in works

Reporters pursue Marc Short, the White House legislative liaison, as House Republicans try to bridge their party's internal struggle over immigration at a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, June... . House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions, R-Texas, answers questions from reporters as House Republicans try to bridge their party's internal struggle over immigration at a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill in Wash... .

House GOP in tentative deal to help ‘Dreamers’

House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions, R-Texas, answers questions from reporters as House Republicans try to bridge their party's internal struggle over immigration at a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, June 7, 2018. Top Republicans want to head off an election-year showdown that divides the party.

House GOP in eleventh-hour attempt for immigration accord

In this May 16, 2018 file photo, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has a light-hearted exchange with reporters at the start of a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. House GOP factions will meet with Ryan to try to resolve a looming immigration showdown.