Three companies claim winning bids for Massachusetts offshore wind

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced completion of the nation's eighth and highest grossing competitive lease sale for renewable energy in federal waters. The lease sale offered approximately 390,000 acres offshore Massachusetts for potential wind energy development and drew competitive winning bids from three companies totaling approximately $405 million in winning bids.

Renewable energy offers common ground for Democrats, Republicans

As the battle lines are drawn for next month's hotly contested midterm elections, some Americans may be comforted to know there is at least one area of common ground for Democrats and Republicans. Regardless of political standing, age or gender, U.S. voters are in favor of renewable energy, according to research by Christine Horne , professor of sociology at Washington State University.

Floods. Wildfires. Yet Few Candidates Are Running on Climate Change.

Dan McCready is a boyish ex-Marine, a solar energy entrepreneur and a favorite candidate of national Democrats hoping to nab a Republican seat in their battle for the House. His company, Double Time Capital, says its mission is to hasten "our country's important transition to clean energy" because of climate change.

Mayor Emanuel Announces Solar Energy Developments for City-Owned Vacant Land

The City is seeking Solar Developers to design, install, own, operate and maintain ground-mounted solar panels on large parcels of underutilized City-owned vacant land. Mayor Rahm Emanuel today announced the Chicago Solar-Ground Mount initiative, a multi-site solar energy development project for city-owned vacant lands.

How to Grow More Food While Slowing Down Climate Change

Two new studies have confirmed that farmers can win both ways, achieving a boost in harvests and helping to slow climate change. One says that they can successfully farm with techniques that can help slow global warming and add to the store of carbon sequestered in the soils around the globe.

Retain process for wind farm approval near bases

This wind turbine is part of the 50-megawatts of wind power for which Fort Hood has signed a power purchase agreement in 2017. This wind turbine is part of the 50-megawatts of wind power for which Fort Hood has signed a power purchase agreement in 2017.

Optimism trumps despair, division

Mayors, governors, entrepreneurs, CEOs, investors and celebrities delivered a double-edged message Friday at the close of a climate summit in San Francisco: global warming is making the planet unliveable -- but we know how to fix it. "We are using the sky as an open sewer, it's insane," former US vice president Al Gore told the conference, noting that humanity belches 110 million tons of heat-trapping pollution into the atmosphere every day.

Take 2 for Washington state: Carbon fee on fall ballot

Voters in Washington state will be asked this fall to do what state and federal leaders have been reluctant to: charge a direct fee on carbon pollution to fight climate change. If the ballot measure passes, it will be the first direct fee or tax charged on carbon emissions in the U.S. Experts say it will prove states can take action even if the Trump administration doesn't, and nudge other states to follow.

California aims to get all electricity from clean sources

California has set a goal of phasing out fossil fuels from the state's electricity sector by 2045 under legislation signed Monday by Gov. Jerry Brown. Brown, who has positioned California as a global leader in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, approved the measure as he prepares to host a summit in San Francisco of climate change leaders from around the world later this week.

Trump Pulled Out Of The Paris Climate Accords, But The U.S. Is Spending Billions To Implement It

The World Bank is spending millions in government funding from various countries, including the U.S., to implement climate mitigation strategies in line with an international agreement to fight climate change - the Paris climate accords. The U.S. is the World Bank's largest supporter and shareholder owning 17 percent of organization's shares.

Energy 202: White House seeking more clean energy cuts despite…

The Trump administration is preparing to ask for even deeper funding cuts to clean energy research at the Energy Department - just months after Congress rejected proposed cuts to those offices. The White House's Office of Management and Budget on Friday directed the department to submit a budget request that would reduce funding for all nondefense offices by 5 percent from what the administration sent to Congress for fiscal 2019.

California’s Fossil Fuel Industry Had It Relatively Easy Under Jerry…

In California's primary election Tuesday, voters all but picked statewide politicians and decided who would face off in the races that might flip the House of Representatives. But the environment was also on the ballot, and the results look like a win for the type of green who thinks a 100-percent renewable path is the best bet.

Trump’s love for coal and the Republicans who want more solar

While President Donald Trump searches for a way to save America's coal country, some in his own party have their eyes set on what's arguably the exact opposite: making solar shine. Since taking office, Trump has worked to undo his predecessor's renewable energy-friendly policies, levied tariffs on imported solar equipment and signed tax reforms that depleted financing for clean energy projects.

Ted Cruz Says Imperiled Biofuel Overhaul Plan Not Dead

A day after a tentative agreement to overhaul U.S. biofuel policy appeared to collapse amid farm-state concerns, EPA chief Scott Pruitt met to discuss the issue with the lead senator pushing for the changes: Ted Cruz. Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, declined to comment on the June 6 meeting, but Cruz said it included discussion about the Renewable Fuel Standard and had been planned well before reports June 4 that a White House-brokered accord was unraveling.

Ted Cruz Says Imperiled Biofuel Overhaul Plan Is Not Dead

A day after a tentative agreement to overhaul U.S. biofuel policy appeared to collapse amid farm-state concerns, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt met with the lead senator pushing for the changes: Ted Cruz. Pruitt had dinner with Cruz, a Texas Republican, at a Washington steakhouse blocks from the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday night.