Renewable energy offers common ground for Democrats, Republicans

As the battle lines are drawn for next month's hotly contested midterm elections, some Americans may be comforted to know there is at least one area of common ground for Democrats and Republicans. Regardless of political standing, age or gender, U.S. voters are in favor of renewable energy, according to research by Christine Horne , professor of sociology at Washington State University.

Floods. Wildfires. Yet Few Candidates Are Running on Climate Change.

Dan McCready is a boyish ex-Marine, a solar energy entrepreneur and a favorite candidate of national Democrats hoping to nab a Republican seat in their battle for the House. His company, Double Time Capital, says its mission is to hasten "our country's important transition to clean energy" because of climate change.

Mayor Emanuel Announces Solar Energy Developments for City-Owned Vacant Land

The City is seeking Solar Developers to design, install, own, operate and maintain ground-mounted solar panels on large parcels of underutilized City-owned vacant land. Mayor Rahm Emanuel today announced the Chicago Solar-Ground Mount initiative, a multi-site solar energy development project for city-owned vacant lands.

Retain process for wind farm approval near bases

This wind turbine is part of the 50-megawatts of wind power for which Fort Hood has signed a power purchase agreement in 2017. This wind turbine is part of the 50-megawatts of wind power for which Fort Hood has signed a power purchase agreement in 2017.

Trump’s love for coal and the Republicans who want more solar

While President Donald Trump searches for a way to save America's coal country, some in his own party have their eyes set on what's arguably the exact opposite: making solar shine. Since taking office, Trump has worked to undo his predecessor's renewable energy-friendly policies, levied tariffs on imported solar equipment and signed tax reforms that depleted financing for clean energy projects.

California’s Suicide Attempt, Part 6: Let’s Make Housing More Expensive

Not sure whether this item deserves to be filed under "California's Suicide" or our "Green Weenie" category. Apparently California's governing class thinks the cost of housing isn't high enough, because the state government has just mandated that all new housing starting in 2020 must come with rooftop solar power.

Coffee with George: Carol Wick, bringing solar power to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Irma

Carol Wick discusses bringing solar power to Puerto Rico with the help of one of her clients the del Sol Foundation Carol Wick discusses bringing solar power to Puerto Rico with the help of one of her clients the del Sol Foundation After serving for a decade as the CEO of Harbor House of Central Florida and helping domestic violence survivors in need, Carol Wick is still on the front lines trying to help others. Now a partner in Convergent Non-profit Solutions, Wick recently went to Puerto Rico to work with a client to try to help stabilize the power grid by bringing solar power to an area devastated by Hurricane Irma .

Trump and Tesla

Nevada, which incessantly markets itself as the Saudi Arabia of solar power and benefits from federal research funding, received a boost in the new federal budget, over the objections of the Trump administration. Indeed, Donald Trump's recommendations were overridden by the Republican Congress in so many areas that it is dubious to call it the Trump budget any more.

Softbank to Build World’s Biggest Solar Park in Saudi Arabia

SoftBank Group Corp. for a $200 billion solar power project in the kingdom, calling it the single largest of its kind in the world. SoftBank founder Masayoshi Son said he envisions the project, which runs the gamut from power generation to panel and equipment manufacturing, as a way to help wean Saudi Arabia off its dependence on oil for electricity, create as many as 100,000 jobs and shave $40 billion off power costs.

Renewables, not natural gas, were main driver behind drop in U.S. power sector emissions in 2017

The growth of clean energy in 2017 was one for the record books: Last year was the first time a reduction in U.S. power sector carbon emissions could be attributed more to renewable energy and energy conservation than the nation switching from coal to natural gas to generate electricity. Carbon emissions from the power sector dropped 4.2 percent in 2017, this time on the back of declining load and greater renewable generation, according to a new report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance .

How Donald Trump Plans to Enlist Fossil Fuels in the Struggle for Global Dominance

The new U.S. energy policy of the Trump era is, in some ways, the oldest energy policy on Earth. Every great power has sought to mobilize the energy resources at its command, whether those be slaves, wind-power, coal, or oil, to further its hegemonic ambitions.

In Trump’s First Year, the U.S. Lost Almost 10,000 Solar Jobs

Since the end of the Great Recession, two things have been true of the American solar industry: It was growing like gangbusters, and basically everyone liked it. From 2010 to 2016, the number of solar jobs in the United States nearly tripled, roaring from about 93,000 to more than 260,000.

Solar industry on edge as Trump weighs tariffs on panels

Some in the U.S. solar-power industry are hoping a decision this week by President Donald Trump doesn't bring on an eclipse. Companies that install solar-power systems for homeowners and utilities are bracing for Trump's call on whether to slap tariffs on imported panels.

Standing Up for Coal Industry Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Former Vice President Al Gore should have used this month's "24 Hours of Reality" internet broadcast to encourage the Trump administration to withdraw all carbon-dioxide emission rules on future power stations. Then the United States could replace its old, inefficient coal-fired power plants with modern, clean, efficient coal stations, just as they are doing in Europe, India and China.

Tax bill boosts oil, gas drilling _ and renewable energy

The Republicans' tax package would boost traditional forms of energy such as oil and gas while also supporting renewable energy such as wind and solar power - and even extend a hand to buyers of electric cars. An agreement by House and Senate negotiators would open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, while preserving tax credits for wind power and other clean energy.

Tax bill boosts oil, gas drilling – and renewable energy

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, talks to reporters at the Capitol after Republicans signed the conference committee report to advance the GOP tax bill, in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2017. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, talks to reporters at the Capitol after Republicans signed the conference committee report to advance the GOP tax bill, in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2017.

Completion of solar electric-generation array near Las Vegas marked

Solar arrays line the desert floor of the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone as part of the 179 megawatt Switch Station 1 and Switch Station 2 Solar Projects north of Las Vegas that were commissioned on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal @Vegass88s Solar arrays line the desert floor of the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone as part of the 179 megawatt Switch Station 1 and Switch Station 2 Solar Projects north of Las Vegas that were commissioned on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017.