Retain process for wind farm approval near bases

This wind turbine is part of the 50-megawatts of wind power for which Fort Hood has signed a power purchase agreement in 2017. This wind turbine is part of the 50-megawatts of wind power for which Fort Hood has signed a power purchase agreement in 2017.

Lawmaker says Congress is partly to blame for rash of deadly military accidents

Congress is partly responsible for a string of military training accidents that killed two and injured more than 20 troops over the past week, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Friday. Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, has blamed spending caps and delayed defense budgets, as well as the newest continuing budget resolution approved this month, for putting military service members at greater risk and said the new incidents at Fort Hood, Texas, Camp Pendleton, Calif., and Fort Bragg, N.C., are the latest evidence.