Cummings sends 51 letters to White House, others requesting compliance with document requests

Elijah Eugene Cummings Leading contenders emerge to replace Zinke as Interior secretary Comey rips Trump, GOP over 'lying' Incoming House Oversight Committee chairman: First hearing will not be 'what a lot of people expect' MORE on Tuesday issued 51 letters to the heads of various government agencies and White House and Trump Organization officials seeking documents on a series of congressional investigations.

Where’d You Hear That? A Rumor Mill Churns Amid Hurricane Michael’s Rubble

Stacks of cash are being handed out at a Sam's Club! Bed bugs have infested a hurricane shelter! Bay County's Emergency Operations Center is on fire! The free-for-all of hearsay began even before Hurricane Michael devastated the Florida Panhandle, and more than a week later, the area is still trafficking in speculation. It is as if the region is playing a game of telephone with no clear beginning, no rules and, for now, no end in sight.

Repubs Attempt State Supreme Court Coups in FL, WV as SCOTUS May Have …

" Repubs Attempt State Supreme Court Coups in FL, WV as SCOTUS May Have Stolen U.S. Senate: 'BradCast' 10/16/2018 " Guest: Slate's Mark Joseph Stern; Also: SCOTUS steals US Senate; Early voting fails on first day in GA; Michael death toll rising... Florida Panhandle facing catastrophe; Michael was 4th 'major' hurricane to make US landfall in 15 months; PLUS: Despite destruction, GOP still denying science, economic impacts... Guest: Jordan Wilkie of WhoWhatWhy; Also: Despite devastating cost of recent hurricanes, Rubio, Trump offer false claims about economy to justify lack of action on climate change... Anything and everything to keep us looking away from the stuff that actually matters, in PDiddie's latest toon collection... Guest-host Angie Coiro w/ Tina Vasquez on ICE, immigration; Bill Browder on Khashoggi; Sarah Craft on the death penalty; Eliza Griswold on a family's fight against ... (more)

Vice President Mike Pence arrives in Georgia to survey storm damage

ALBANY, Ga. - Vice President Mike Pence is visiting southwest Georgia today where he is surveying storm damage from Hurricane Michael, a day after President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump did the same thing.

‘Creepy’: Elizabeth Warren lambasts Trump after offer to…

Washington: Democratic senator and potential 2020 US presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has released a genetic analysis, with an accompanying video , aimed at proving her Native American heritage and rebutting a frequent attack from President Donald Trump that she lied about her ancestry. The critique of Warren has been a frequent one since 2012, when the Boston Herald reported that Harvard Law School had listed Warren's Native American ancestry in touting its diversity.

Tyndall aircraft damage ‘less than we feared’

TYNDALL AFB - Aircraft left behind for maintenance or safety reasons when Tyndall Air Force Base was evacuated last week in advance of Hurricane Michael's direct hit on the installation are in better shape than expected, according to Air Force senior leadership who toured the all-but-destroyed facility during the weekend.

Trump tours hurricane damage in Florida

US President Donald Trump has been shown roofless homes and uprooted trees as he toured Florida Panhandle communities ravaged by the force of Hurricane Michael. Mr Trump toured devastated coastal communities by air, land and foot before he and the first lady helped hand out bottled water at a Federal Emergency Management Agency aid distribution centre.

Trump praises Florida gov’s ‘incredible’ hurricane response

President Donald Trump flew above the Florida Panhandle on Monday to see the wreckage left behind after Hurricane Michael slammed its coastal communities and he immediately praised Gov. Rick Scott for an "incredible" response to a storm that flattened homes and left thousands without electricity. "The job they've done in Florida has been incredible," Trump told reporters.

U.S. Army Corp Engineers assist City with power at lift stations

As many families are still recovering from Hurricane Michael, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers traveled from Savannah and Virginia to assist with temporary emergency power for critical wastewater plants and lift stations in Albany. The group is here all week assessing what lift stations will need generators to keep waste flowing.

Michael lays bare Panhandle’s weaker building codes

Unlike in South Florida, homes in the state's Panhandle did not have tighter building codes until just 11 years ago; it was once argued that acres of forests would provide the region with a natural barrier against the savage winds of a hurricane. When many of the homes on the Panhandle were built, the state had a patchwork of codes from which some buildings here were exempt.

Michael’s destruction reveals region’s weaker building codes

Unlike in South Florida, homes in the state's Panhandle did not have tighter building codes It was once argued that the trees would help save Florida's Panhandle from the fury of a hurricane, as the acres of forests in the region would provide a natural barrier to savage winds that accompany the deadly storms. It's part of the reason that tighter building codes - mandatory in places such as South Florida - were not put in place for most of this region until just 11 years ago.

Trump to visit Fla., Ga. and tour Hurricane Michael damage

Upon touring the damage in several towns along Florida's Panhandle, Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Brock Long called the destruction left by Hurricane Michael some of the worst he's ever seen. On Monday, President Donald Trump plans to visit Florida and Georgia and see the recovery effort for himself.

Florida Panhandle Residents Still Suffering After Hurricane Michael

Crews with heavy equipment scooped up splintered boards, broken glass, chunks of asphalt and other debris in hurricane-flattened Mexico Beach on Sunday. The death toll from Hurricane Michael's destructive march from Florida to Virginia stood at 19, with just one confirmed death so far in this Florida Panhandle town of about 1,000 people that took a direct hit from the hurricane and its 155 mph winds last week.

Cleanup begins after Hurricane Michael leaves behind damage in Georgia

Gov. Nathan Deal has invited President Donald Trump to take a tour of hurricane damage in Georgia as cleanup begins after Hurricane Michael barreled into the state as a Category 3 storm. Channel 2's Richard Elliot spoke to Deal and various state officials, who said their top priority is to clear the roads so power crews can get in and restore electricity.