Election Waves Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

I've been arguing for months that the ideal outcome in the midterm elections to set up Donald Trump for a landslide re-election in 2020 is for Republicans to hold the Senate and narrowly lose the House. Mr. Trump is best when he has a foil to run against - and who better than the least popular politician in America, Nancy Pelosi.

Repubs Attempt State Supreme Court Coups in FL, WV as SCOTUS May Have …

" Repubs Attempt State Supreme Court Coups in FL, WV as SCOTUS May Have Stolen U.S. Senate: 'BradCast' 10/16/2018 " Guest: Slate's Mark Joseph Stern; Also: SCOTUS steals US Senate; Early voting fails on first day in GA; Michael death toll rising... Florida Panhandle facing catastrophe; Michael was 4th 'major' hurricane to make US landfall in 15 months; PLUS: Despite destruction, GOP still denying science, economic impacts... Guest: Jordan Wilkie of WhoWhatWhy; Also: Despite devastating cost of recent hurricanes, Rubio, Trump offer false claims about economy to justify lack of action on climate change... Anything and everything to keep us looking away from the stuff that actually matters, in PDiddie's latest toon collection... Guest-host Angie Coiro w/ Tina Vasquez on ICE, immigration; Bill Browder on Khashoggi; Sarah Craft on the death penalty; Eliza Griswold on a family's fight against ... (more)

Trump praises Florida gov’s ‘incredible’ hurricane response

President Donald Trump flew above the Florida Panhandle on Monday to see the wreckage left behind after Hurricane Michael slammed its coastal communities and he immediately praised Gov. Rick Scott for an "incredible" response to a storm that flattened homes and left thousands without electricity. "The job they've done in Florida has been incredible," Trump told reporters.

Michael lays bare Panhandle’s weaker building codes

Unlike in South Florida, homes in the state's Panhandle did not have tighter building codes until just 11 years ago; it was once argued that acres of forests would provide the region with a natural barrier against the savage winds of a hurricane. When many of the homes on the Panhandle were built, the state had a patchwork of codes from which some buildings here were exempt.

Michael’s destruction reveals region’s weaker building codes

Unlike in South Florida, homes in the state's Panhandle did not have tighter building codes It was once argued that the trees would help save Florida's Panhandle from the fury of a hurricane, as the acres of forests in the region would provide a natural barrier to savage winds that accompany the deadly storms. It's part of the reason that tighter building codes - mandatory in places such as South Florida - were not put in place for most of this region until just 11 years ago.

Hurricane Michael death toll hits 13

Damaged boats sit among debris in a marina in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael in Panama City, Florida on Oct 12, 2018. MEXICO BEACH: The death toll from Hurricane Michael rose to at least 13 on Friday amid fears it would continue to climb as search-and-rescue teams scour the debris of the Florida town that bore the brunt of the monster storm.

The Latest: Scott, Nelson postpone Senate debate on CNN

U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long says he expects the death toll from Hurricane Michael to climb because teams haven't gotten to the hardest-hit areas in Florida. Long said Friday that he's worried people didn't evacuate along Mexico Beach or from other devastated locations and may not have survived.

Henderson: Polls show strong voter support for Amendment 4

Florida remains divided on many political issues, but there seems to be strong bipartisan agreement about the issue of restoring voting rights for convicted felons, formally known as Amendment 4. As Florida Politics reported, a recent poll showed 74 percent support for the constitutional amendment on the ballot in November that would strike down voting prohibitions for felons who have completed their sentences and parole or probation requirements. Those convicted of murder or sexual offenses would continue to be banned.

Michael offers exposure, and risk, to Gillum in gov’s race

Tallahassee Mayor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, speaks during a briefing on Hurricane Michael in Tallahassee, Fla., Wednesday Oct. 10, 2018. In the days before Hurricane Michael made landfall, Gillum blanketed the national airwaves, sounding much like the man he wants to replace, Gov. Rick Scott, who constantly urged residents to seek shelter and take the massive storm seriously.

What’s happening: Hurricane Michael hits Florida, Georgia

Hurricane Michael is one of the most powerful storms ever to hit the U.S., and the proof is strewn across miles of Florida's coastline: Roofs and awnings peeled from buildings, pieces of homes scattered amid snapped trees and downed power lines, chunks of beaches washed away. After landfall in Florida, Michael's strong winds and heavy rains thrashed Georgia and headed toward the Carolinas, including areas that got a soaking last month from Hurricane Florence.

Storm offers exposure, risk to Democrat in governor’s race

Tallahassee Mayor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, speaks during a briefing on Hurricane Michael in Tallahassee, Fla., Wednesday Oct. 10, 2018. In the days before Hurricane Michael made landfall, Gillum blanketed the national airwaves, sounding much like the man he wants to replace, Gov. Rick Scott, who constantly urged residents to seek shelter and take the massive storm seriously.

Storm offers exposure, risk to Democrat in governor’s race Source: AP

Days before it came ashore, Hurricane Michael whirled into the Florida governor's race, and one of the beneficiaries could be Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee who spent days in the storm's path. While the state waited for Michael to make landfall, Gillum seemed to blanket the national airwaves, sounding much like the man he wants to replace, Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who constantly urged residents to seek shelter and take the massive storm seriously.

Florida Midterm Could Prove a Landmark Moment for Representative Democracy at a National Level

Long overdue re-enfranchisement of former felons and a progressive Democratic Gubernatorial candidate both on the 2018 ballot could result in a national sea change for 2020... Kav Confirm All But Certain and the SCOTUS Case Cited as a Reason for the Rush: 'BradCast' 10/5/18 Big Oil a big winner in Trump's new NAFTA deal; Two simultaneous Category 5's in the Pacific; Arctic sea ice hits new low; PLUS : Tesla's Big Battery a big hit in South Australia... Guests: AUDIT-USA's Emily Levy, attorney Chris Sautter; Also: FBI ignoring Kavanaugh witnesses, Trump mocks accuser, Americans can't wait to vote... Guest: David Dayen on new NAFTA, CA Net Neutrality, Amazon's new min wage; Also: Repubs hope to force vote, bury FBI probe on Kavanaugh... Florence 2nd wettest storm in US history; NC now fighting giant mosquitoes; Admin cites climate change to roll back fuel standards; PLUS: France calls on ... (more)