School shooting suspect was referred to discipline program

Florida school officials now say school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was referred during middle school to a mentoring program aimed at steering children away from the criminal justice system, a shifting explanation that critics are calling a reversal of earlier statements. Following the Valentine's Day shooting that killed 17 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie had said that Cruz hadn't been in the program.

Boss Hogg and His Ingraham Angle

David Hogg may have been a student at the high school in Parkland, Florida shot up by a killer whom the Broward County Sheriff's Department and the FBI knew about and failed to stop, but he has hardly behaved as an innocent victim since then. He is a professional liberal activist with a far-left agenda that includes repealing the Second Amendment, neutering the First Amendment, and creating an environment making Patkland shootings more likely, not less.

Obamas To Parkland Teens: You’ve Awakened The Nation’s Conscience

Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama sent a heartfelt, handwritten letter to the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, commending their efforts to champion gun control after a lone gunman killed 17 people in February. The note said the Parkland, Florida, teenagers had "helped awaken the conscience of the nation, and challenged decision-makers to make the safety of our children the country's top priority."

Parkland Father Goes OFF On Broward County Deputy – ‘He’s A Coward And He’s Also A Liar’

Andrew Pollack, father of a teenager killed in the Parkland shooting last month, went off on former Broward County deputy Scot Peterson on Fox News Thursday for standing outside the school while students were mowed down. "To tell you the truth, I haven't watched it," Pollack said about the video of the officer standing outside.

Tucker And Tom Fitton React To Footage Of Police Staying Outside During Shooting

Fox News' Tucker Carlson and Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton reacted Thursday to the video footage of a former Broward County deputy standing outside of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School while a gunman killed 17 people. "This wasn't some hidden thing, this wasn't esoteric, this was in the training manual," Carlson said.

Case against Florida shooting suspect back in court; prosecutors seeking fingerprints, DNA

ABOVE: The FBI said Friday it failed to act on an alarming tip by a woman close to Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz, who called the federal organization and told them she worried about him "getting into a school and just shooting the place up." The criminal case against the gunman accused in the Florida high school shooting returns to court Tuesday with prosecutors seeking hair samples, fingerprints, DNA and photographs of the suspect.

74 Lawmakers Call On Florida Gov. To ‘Immediately’ Suspend Broward County Sheriff

Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran sent a letter to Governor Rick Scott Sunday urging him to suspend Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel over his department's handling of the Parkland shooting. PARKLAND, FL - FEBRUARY 15: Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel , Florida Governor Rick Scott, ,and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, , speak to the media about the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where 17 people were killed yesterday, on February 15, 2018 in Parkland, Florida.

Florida sheriff says he won’t resign amid questions about school shooting response

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel says he's not stepping down amid criticism of his department's response to the deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Israel's declaration comes after a Florida state representative called on Gov. Rick Scott to remove Israel from his post for his deputies' "incomprehensible inaction" during the massacre.

Florida Cop Who ‘Did Nothing’ At Shooting Was ‘School Cop Of The Year’

Prior to being the cop who "did nothing" to stop the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on Feb. 14, the Florida officer was honored as school cop of the year with stellar performance reviews. Scot Peterson was suspended without pay before resigning in the wake of the shooting, which claimed 17 lives.

Florida school shooting: ‘abject breakdown at all levels’

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel speaks before a CNN town hall broadcast, Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018, at the BB&T Center, in Sunrise, Fla. President Donald Trump Thursday endorsed tighter background checks for purchasing guns and reiterated his calls for trained teachers to carry guns but said he believes armed shooting drills in school are "a very negative thing."

Armed officer – never went inside to confront gunman’ during Florida shooting

Mourners console each other during the funeral service for Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School assistant football coach Aaron Feis The armed officer on duty at the Florida school where a shooter killed 17 people never went inside to engage the gunman and has been placed under investigation, police have announced. The Valentine's Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School by a gunman armed with an AR-15 style assault rifle has reignited national debate over gun laws and school safety, including proposals by president Donald Trump and others to designate more people - including trained teachers - to carry arms on school grounds.

Rubio Seems to Soften Opposition to Gun Control

Politico : "The mass shootings in Newtown, Orlando, Las Vegas and even Fort Lauderdale didn't get Marco Rubio to seriously reconsider his position on guns. But Rubio shifted on firearms Wednesday night as he weathered the righteous anger of a parent and of the students who survived the Valentine's Day massacre at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School and who then faced him onstage at a CNN town hall in purple Florida's liberal bastion of Broward County."

Grieving father questions Rubio as survivors join town hall to say #NeverAgain

In an emotional gathering just one week after a gunman mowed down 14 students and three teachers at Stoneman Douglas High School, thousands of community members and students were meeting with politicians and others for a town hall on how to make schools safer. "Tonight people who have different points of view are going to talk about an issue that I think that we all believe and that this should never have happened and it can never happen again," Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican, told the crowd.

CNN Harasses Elderly Lady Over Pro-Trump Facebook Group Targeted By Russian Troll Farm

CNN sent reporter Drew Griffin to Florida to grill an elderly woman who "unwittingly promoted a Russian-coordinated event on Facebook." A Florida woman who ran a Trump supporters page that unwittingly promoted a Russian-coordinated event on Facebook says she doesn't believe that she was influenced by Kremlin-linked trolls The woman, Florine Gruen Goldfarb, had no idea that her Team Trump Broward County Facebook page was targeted by Russian operatives, but that didn't stop Griffin from haranguing her anyway.