West Coast military installations eyed for US fuel exports

The Trump administration is considering using West Coast military installations or other federal properties to open the way for more U.S. fossil fuel exports to Asia in the name of national security and despite opposition from coastal states. "I respect the state of Washington and Oregon and California," Zinke said in an interview with AP.

US eyes West Coast military bases for coal, gas exports to Asia

The Trump administration is considering using West Coast military bases or other federal properties as transit points for shipments of U.S. coal and natural gas to Asia, as officials seek to bolster the domestic energy industry and circumvent environmental opposition to fossil fuel exports. It would advance the administration's agenda of establishing American "energy dominance" on the world stage and underscores a willingness to intervene in markets to make that happen.

Correction: Carbon Fee-Washington story

In this June 28, 2018, file photo in Seattle Wash., Washington Gov. Jay Inslee speaks to people as he helps to gather signatures for a proposed initiative that would charge large industrial emitters a fee for their carbon emissions. Voters in Washington state will be asked this fall to do what state and federal leaders have been reluctant to: charge a direct fee on carbon pollution to fight climate change.

Take 2 for Washington state: Carbon fee on fall ballot

Voters in Washington state will be asked this fall to do what state and federal leaders have been reluctant to: charge a direct fee on carbon pollution to fight climate change. If the ballot measure passes, it will be the first direct fee or tax charged on carbon emissions in the U.S. Experts say it will prove states can take action even if the Trump administration doesn't, and nudge other states to follow.

Dem governor: ‘We will rescue America from the grasp of an unhinged narcissist’

Gov. Jay Inslee said Sunday that Democrats are focusing their messaging in 2018 on the idea that they will "rescue" America from Donald John Trump Pastor at Trump rally prays to shield Trump from 'jungle journalism' Bill Russell: Being criticized by Trump is the 'biggest compliment you can get' Salmon farmers in California fear Trump will destroy their industry MORE "Our message is rescue America - and we will rescue America - from the grasp of an unhinged narcissist who is creating ... chaos," Inslee said on ABC's "This Week." He added that Democrats are also focused on protecting and expanding healthcare, as well as improving the economy for U.S. families.

Saturday’s TV highlights and weekend talk shows: ‘A Summer to Remember ‘ on Hallmark

Catherine Bell, left, and Cameron Mathison in the made-for-TV romance "A Summer to Remember " on Hallmark. Pink Collar Crimes This new episode profiles a financial planner who allegedly siphoned money from the retirement funds of her relatives and friends to enable herself to live the high life.

Vancouver Port Celebrates Completion of Freight Rail Project

A tugboat maneuvers through waiting freighters on the Columbia River near the Port of Vancouver in Vancouver, Wash. Port of Vancouver administrators, along with political and industry leaders, stood atop a small stage in a largely vacant marine terminal the morning of July 31 to celebrate the completion of the $251 million West Vancouver Freight Access project.

Kootenai County deputies respond to possible home invasion

At around 11:20 a.m. Wednesday, deputies from the Kootenai County Sheriff's office responded to the 7900 block of W. Cougar Gultch Rd. for a report of a possible home invasion robbery. It was reported that an 18-year-old woman had walked outside of her house to let her dog out of a nearby kennel.

Georgia governor’s matchup sets a battle for the middle

With the Georgia governor's race now set, the contest between Republican Brian Kemp and Democrat Stacey Abrams becomes a question of which candidate can move beyond their partisan bases to capture the electoral middle in this emerging battleground state. Kemp, a two-term secretary of state-backed by President Donald Trump, hardly moderated his approach as he celebrated an overwhelming runoff victory Tuesday.

Democratic governors set to take on the bigger names in 2020 race

Three governors -- Montana's Steve Bullock, Colorado's John Hickenlooper and Washington state's Jay Inslee -- each said in interviews at the National Governors Association summer meeting in New Mexico this week that they are considering 2020 runs. All three have already visited Iowa, the first state to vote during the caucus and primary season, once this year.

7 fast-food chains agree to end ‘no-poaching’ policies

This Feb. 15, 2018, file photo shows a McDonald's Restaurant in Brandon, Miss. Seven national fast-food chains have agreed to end policies that block workers from changing branches, limiting their wages and job opportunities, under the threat of legal action from the state of Washington.

Fast-food chains agree to end ‘no-poaching’ policies

This Feb. 15, 2018, file photo shows a McDonald's Restaurant in Brandon, Miss. Seven national fast-food chains have agreed to end policies that block workers from changing branches, limiting their wages and job opportunities, under the threat of legal action from the state of Washington.

AP Exclusive: Washington hospital is ‘like going into hell’ Source: AP

Behind tall brick walls and secure windows, hundreds of patients at Washington state's largest psychiatric hospital live in conditions that fail U.S. health and safety standards, while overworked nurses and psychiatrists say they are navigating a system that punishes employees who speak out despite critical staffing shortages. "They don't have enough staff to protect patients, or provide them with the bare minimum of care," said Lisa Bowser, whose mother spent two years at Western State Hospital and suffered dozens of falls and assaults.

Murphy wants details on reunification of migranta

In a letter to federal agencies, Murphy and five other governors demand details about the welfare of more than 2,000 children separated at the border. Murphy demands details on how children separated at border will be reunited with parents In a letter to federal agencies, Murphy and five other governors demand details about the welfare of more than 2,000 children separated at the border.

Washington voters likely to take up carbon fee initiative

In this May 10, 2018, file photo, Abigail Doerr, campaign director for Yes on 1631, holds up an initiative petition with signatures on it, at a rally to kick off the campaign for "Yes on 1631," in Seattle Washington. Washington state is trying once again to charge industrial emitters a fee for their carbon emissions.