Sarah Sanders makes guest appearance at Harvest Festival

WEBVTT The night featured many of Iowa's Republican delegation - Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley, and Representative David Young. But the star of the show, fittingly wearing red, was White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, posing with Iowans and getting in on the fu She g right down to business when she took the stage, calling out Hubbell.

Experts Say that Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s Recusal Was…

Experts Say that Attorney General Jeff Sessions's Recusal Was Not Necessary - The Basic Question Behind This Decision Is Still Unanswered WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 29: U.S. Attorney General nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions attends a meeting with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on Capitol Hill, November 29, 2016 in Washington, DC. President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team are in the process of filling cabinet and other high level positions for the new administration.

Trump rally crowd chants ‘Lock her up!’ about Sen. Feinstein

Chants of "Lock her up!" rang once again throughout an Iowa arena as President Donald Trump rallied supporters Tuesday night. But this time, the staple of Trump's 2016 campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton had a new target: California Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

‘Lock her up!’ Trump crowd chants a ” but this time it’s for DiFi

Chants of "Lock her up!" rang once again throughout an Iowa arena as President Donald Trump rallied supporters Tuesday night. But this time, the staple of Trump's 2016 campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton had a new target: California Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Service warns of minor flooding along several Iowa rivers

The National Weather Service posted or continued warnings Tuesday for the Cedar, Iowa, Maquoketa, Mississippi, North Raccoon, Rock and Wapsipinicon rivers. More rain is expected to fall on already saturated ground and eventually flow into already swollen streams and rivers.

Grassley suggests lack of women on Judiciary is because ‘it’s a lot…

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley on Friday suggested the lack of women on the committee was due to its heavy workload, but later said the committee is a lot of work for male senators as well. When asked why there aren't more female senators on the committee, the Iowa Republican said: "Well, it's a lot of work.

George Soros paying Kavanaugh protesters? That charge swings both ways

This morning, President Donald Trump tweeted about the thousands of people taking to the streets to protest Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. In it, he alluded to them being "paid professionals," paid by the likes of Democratic philanthropist and investor George Soros.

Kavanaugh confirmation: What you need to know about the Senatea s vote on Friday

OCTOBER 04: Comedian Amy Schumer is led away after she was arrested during a protest against the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh October 4, 2018 at the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Senators had an opportunity to review a new FBI background investigation into accusations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh and Republican leaders are moving to have a vote on his confirmation this weekend.

Cleveland VA medical center under review for mass cancellation of patients tests

The Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center is among several Veterans Affairs hospitals in the country that are under review for claims they are improperly canceling a large number of patients' diagnostic tests. About 300,000 canceled radiology tests at VA medical centers across the United States since 2016 has raised questions about whether some medically important tests were canceled improperly, according to USA Today.

The Latest: Collins says FBI probe seems ‘very thorough’

Lawyers for Christine Blasey Ford have given FBI Director Chris Wray the names of people they say the FBI should contact to corroborate her account of having been sexually assaulted as a teenager by Brett Kavanaugh. Ford wasn't interviewed by the FBI as part of its supplemental background investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct dating to Kavanaugh's high school and college years.