Mom of teens who got presidential selfies runs for office

In this July 17, 2015, file photo, provided by Emma Nozell, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump poses for a photo with Emma Nozell, left, and her sister Addy Nozell in Laconia, N.H. Wendy Thomas, a New Hampshire woman whose daughters snagged selfies with every candidate in the 2016 presidential campaign is now running her own campaign for state office. Thomas, a Democrat from Merrimack, is running for a seat in the New Hampshire House.

FBI: Laconia man sentenced for selling meth

A Laconia man was sentenced to 50 months in federal prison for methamphetamine trafficking, U.S. Attorney Scott Murray announced Friday. Peter Dauphin, 45, sold "ice" methamphetamine to an buyer cooperating with law enforcement officers on five separate occasions in April and May 2017, according to court documents and statements made in court.

Dan Tuohy’s Granite Status: Granite Staters still awaiting the call as Trump nominees

Twelve years after his father was brutally murdered, Jack Reid Jr. stood in a courtroom Wednesday as the victim of another crime - a violent home invasion last year in which a man barged into... The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark interest rate by a quarter-point Wednesday, sending a message of confidence in the U.S. economy despite evidence ... (more)