Ex-Congresswoman Enid Mickelsen to head GOP rules committee at convention

Former Utah Congresswoman Enid Mickelsen will head the powerful rules committee at next month's Republican National Convention, where Donald Trump is set to be formally nominated as the party's presidential candidate. Utah GOP Chairman James Evans said Mickelsen is trusted by Priebus, who has made it clear he expects the party to get behind Trump after his primary election victory.

Gage Skidmore / Flickr; Tony Alter / Flickr

Donald Trump has cleared the field of competitors for the Republican nomination but has still not won over one particular, and significant, constituency. Legislators have been curiously resistant to his charms, far more so than those with executive branch experience.

The Latest: Clinton campaign slams Trump Supreme Court list

Democrat Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman has released a scathing statement in response to likely rival Donald Trump's list of potential Supreme Court picks. John Podesta says Trump's list of 11 Supreme Court candidates includes "no people of color, but does include a judge who upheld a law requiring doctors to use scare tactics to impede reproductive rights and another judge who equated homosexual sex to bestiality, pedophilia and necrophilia."

Fool’s errand or heroic stand? GOP on Ted Cruz, Mike Lee

The bipartisan compromise on Wednesday to avoid a financial default and end a 16-day partial government shutdown cast a spotlight on Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah, who had precipitated the crises with their demand that President Barack Obama gut his 3-year-old health care law. Other Republicans who repeatedly had warned the two about their quixotic move took little pleasure in saying "I-told-you-so."