Former Hassan staffer, accused of doxxing, was caught using computer…

Former Hassan staffer, accused of doxxing, was caught using computer without permission in Hassan's D.C. office, according to affidavit A former staffer for Sen. Maggie Hassan, arrested on Wednesday for allegedly posting private information about Republican senators on Wikipedia, was caught in the Senator's Washington office on Tuesday night, ... (more)

Sources describe FBI’s probe on Kavanaugh

The FBI's supplemental investigation into the sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh was limited in scope from the beginning. There was never a directive to the FBI to investigate a third assault allegation against Kavanaugh, or to probe his drinking habits and whether he lied about them to the Senate Judiciary Committee, according to a source briefed on the investigation.

Democratic staffer arrested in doxxing of GOP senators during Kavanaugh hearing

Sources say Republican leadership plans a tight lid on the FBI report's access with only a single copy to be available on request to senators and secured in a combination safe. A Democratic congressional staffer was arrested Wednesday and accused of posting the personal information of at least one Republican senator during last week's hearing about sexual assault claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, authorities said.

Sen. Jeff Flake, a key holdout, announces support for Brett Kavanaugh

Phoenix prosecutor Rachel Mitchell questions Christine Blasey Ford as Senators, from left, Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah., and Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, listen during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington.

Iowa murder suspect lived on land owned by GOP fundraiser

A top Republican fundraiser whose firm works for several prominent immigration hardliners is the partial owner of the land where the Mexican man accused of killing Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts lived rent-free, a farm spokeswoman said Friday. Nicole Schlinger has long been a key fundraiser and campaign contractor for GOP politicians in Iowa and beyond, including this cycle for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Virginia Senate candidate Corey Stewart.

Archives: Kavanaugh documents not ready until end of October

The National Archives and Records Administration said Thursday it won't be able to finish reviewing nearly 1 million documents regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's time in the George W. Bush White House until the end of October, a potential roadblock in GOP hopes for confirmation before the November election. Republican leaders in the Senate appeared unfazed by the updated timetable, determined to push forward with confirmation hearings on President Donald Trump's nominee next month, even if the documents are not fully available.

Archives: Kavanaugh documents not ready until October

The National Archives and Records Administration said Thursday it won't be able to finish reviewing nearly 1 million documents regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's time in the George W. Bush White House until the end of October, a potential roadblock in GOP hopes for confirmation before the November election. Republican leaders in the Senate appeared unfazed by the updated timetable, determined to push forward with confirmation hearings on President Donald Trump's nominee next month, even if the documents are not fully available.

Borked? Hatch throws colorful terms at Democrats opposed to Supreme Court nominee

Sen. Orrin Hatch lit into Democrats again Thursday with some colorful language to describe their efforts to stop Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. "It's just amazing to me that they make such a farce out of this," Hatch, R-Utah, said at news conference with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, including Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.

3D-printed guns might be inevitable. But are they a practical weapon…

If gun rights activist Cody Wilson gets his way in his legal battle, soon anybody including convicted felons and the mentally ill with a few raw materials and access to an industrial 3D printer could build a plastic firearm, gun control advocates say. Tech experts and stakeholders in the gun control debate are divided on whether the emergence of 3D-printed plastic guns presents an immediate safety threat to U.S communities.

The Senate is in session this week. The House is in recess.

The Senate reconvenes today at 3:00 pm to consider the nomination of Britt Grant to serve as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Prior to her nomination to the Eleventh Circuit, Grant served as solicitor general of Georgia and on the Supreme Court of Georgia.

Koch Network Says Trump Trade Policies Causing Long-Term Damage

The conservative political network led by billionaire Charles Koch opened a conference in Colorado with sharp criticism of President Donald Trump's trade policies and leadership style as it sought to play up a desire for more bipartisan solutions. "The policies right now are hurting people," Brian Hooks, president of the Charles Koch Foundation and Charles Koch Institute, told reporters Saturday during a briefing session.

TV mega-deal involving Utah’s Fox 13 likely off; Trump decries decision

President Donald Trump listens during a meeting with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker in the Oval Office of the White House, Wednesday, July 25, 2018, in Washington. SALT LAKE CITY - A recent decision by the Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission will likely scrub the deal that would have led to Salt Lake City's Fox 13 being acquired by 21st Century Fox.

Ivanka coy about her Democratic partners in policy talks

"You have to, especially in an environment like this, you have to work to earn trust a and I've worked very hard to do that," the first daughter and adviser to the president said Wednesday at the Bipartisan Policy Center. "And I don't want to call out names because a lot of people who engaged with me in the most substantive way have done so because they know that I'm not going to violate their confidence and share their perspectives publicly."