Kandi Burruss reveals she’s the cover girl of a hair dye

EXCLUSIVE: Husband of Alabama mom, 42, who led a double life on an adult website, is arrested over her murder after insisting her death was a 'boozy accident' following a night of drinking absinthe Parkland school's armed campus police officer RESIGNS as it emerges he HID outside the school as 17 were slaughtered 14 signs of emotional abuse: From controlling your clothes to making you feel guilty - therapist reveals the subtle red flags and how to protect yourself Teenager is hailed a hero after she helped thwart another high school shooting by alerting police when her 18-year-old friend texted her about his plans to carry out an attack New Orleans District Attorney investigated Breaking Bad actor Dean Norris for sexual assault claim by Ohio woman in June but no charges were filed Is this what Jesus REALLY looked like? Delving into the past to uncover early depictions of '5ft 5in, ... (more)