Myspace loses all content uploaded before 2016

Faulty server migration blamed for mass deletion of songs, photos and video

Myspace, the once mighty social network, has lost every single piece of content uploaded to its site before 2016, including millions of songs, photos and videos with no other home on the internet.

The company is blaming a faulty server migration for the mass deletion, which appears to have happened more than a year ago, when the first reports appeared of users unable to access older content. The company has confirmed to online archivists that music has been lost permanently, dashing hopes that a backup could be used to permanently protect the collection for future generations.

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These People Who Still Use MySpace Say It’s A ‘Huge’ Part Of Their Lives

Despite the founder of the social media platform, Tom Anderson, abandoning it after it "died" in 2009 - when Facebook had more than double its users only two years after it was created, there are still people who use it. Meet Kenneth Scalir, the subject of a Guardian article published on Wednesday and former minor reality TV celebrity who appeared on dating reality television shows in the 1990s and 2000s.