Ivey declines debates – even when they’re just on paper

As president of the Alabama branch of the League of Women Voters, Caddell invited both Ivey and her opponent, Democrat Walt Maddox, to participate in a public debate earlier this year. When that didn't work, the group asked both candidates to at least fill out a questionnaire from the group.

Debate? Most recent governors have been willing

While Kay Ivey is not the first Alabama governor to refuse to debate an election challenger, most of her predecessors over the last two decades have been willing to face off with their opponents. Since 1998, three of the state's four governors took on their challengers in debates.

Gov. Ivey owes it to voters to debate

Gov. Kay Ivey may believe she doesn't need to debate her opponents for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, but voters deserve every opportunity to be able to compare the candidates for the office. The Republicans are having a race to see who will be their party's nominee for governor come the Nov. 6 general election.