A Pop of Colyer Protects Adoption in Kans.

Kansas's governor may have changed, but the commitment to religious liberty hasn't! Sam Brownback's successor is just as concerned about his state's First Freedom as anyone -- and last Friday, he proved it. A few days after their neighbors in Oklahoma signed a similar bill into law, Governor Jeff Colyer doubled the celebration, inking his name to the Adoption Protection Act.

Kansas, Oklahoma approve religious veto on LGBT adoptions

State lawmakers in Kansas and Oklahoma have approved legislation to grant legal protections to faith-based adoption agencies that cite their religious beliefs for not placing children in LGBT homes. Supporters of such measures argued that the core issue is protecting a group's right to live out its religious faith, while critics saw them as attacks on LGBT rights.

The ghost of Brownback appears

The specter of Sam Brownback haunted the Kansas statehouse last week in the form of a proposition that would place unchecked power for funding public schools in the Legislature's hands. Beginning with his election as governor in 2010, Brownback and his allies blamed the Kansas Supreme Court for the state's financial distress.