Emails show California agency’s cozy ties to gas tax backers

As the political battle to overturn California's gas tax increase intensified, the state transportation agency coordinated frequently with the public affairs firm working to block the repeal on behalf of unions, construction companies and local government groups, emails obtained by The Associated Press show. The California State Transportation Agency and Sacramento-based Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks organized news conferences and other efforts to promote legislation to raise the tax to fund road and bridge repairs, which passed the Legislature in April 2017.

Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, to meet with Republicans to discuss alleged bias, China

Google's chief executive, Sundar Pichai, will meet privately with Republican lawmakers on Friday in the face of lingering questions involving its operations in the U.S. and abroad. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, California Republican, has scheduled a meeting with Mr. Pichai for the end of the week, The Wall Street Journal first reported Monday.

Push to end bullet train in 2020 could signal GOP strategy

Worried they would lack big-name candidates at the top of the ticket this November, California Republicans turned to a ballot measure that would eliminate a recent gas tax increase in hopes of exciting conservatives and ensuring they show up to support lower-profile legislative and congressional candidates. A potential similar strategy for 2020 emerged Tuesday, when a conservative radio host who is the public face behind this year's gas tax initiative announced he will pursue another measure - this one eliminating the state's beleaguered high-speed rail project.

Economy hums, Trump tweets, GOP worries

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. House Speaker Paul Ryan said Russian President Vladimir Putin won't be invited to speak at a joint meeting to Congress on a visit to the U.S., and what matters is the message Putin will get from Trump -- to stop meddling in U.S. elections and violating sovereignty.

Tax increases a staple of many Democratic campaigns in state, Congressional races

One primary message from Democrats this election is that if they win the majority in the U.S. House, or win their respective governors' seats, they will do everything they can to increase taxes.

Tim Ryan Hints of Paving Way for Rep. Clyburn to Challenge Pelosi

Rep. Tim Ryan says he has not "closed the door" on a challenge to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi post-midterms while also talking up the bonafides of current No. 3 Democrat, Rep. Jim Clyburn, the Washington Examiner reported.

Kevin McCarthy: Economy, Trump Successes May Change Voting Tradition

History is against Republicans with the upcoming midterm elections, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy acknowledged Monday, but he pointed out that the current economic growth may make matters different this time around. "The party that gets the White House normally loses seats by 30 in the off year," the California Republican told Fox News' "Fox & Friends."

Listen: Susan Ferrechio Talked About The Latest Congressional News As The House Goes On Recess

Rosenstein impeachment push by GOP, Congress goes on recess, Jordan runs for speaker and the latest on the Kavanaugh nomination. Ryan, McCarthy and Pelosi have a full slate of fundraisers planned for the summer recess, which begins Thursday - With control of the House up for grabs this fall - and their own political futures on the line - GOP and Democratic leaders will be frantically crisscrossing the country in August to raise money and rally the faithful.

Conservative Jim Jordan’s speaker run boosts Trump allies

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, walks to the House chamber as he prepares to file articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 26, 2018. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, walks to the House chamber as he prepares to file articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 26, 2018.

Californiaa s November elections a clear referendum on Trump

California's top-two primary carried the risk of producing only candidates of one party on the November ballot. This actually happened in a number of legislative and congressional districts, but they were not any of the contested ones.

Conservatives say the looming Supreme Court battle boosts their midterm prospects

President Trump hasn't yet named a replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy, but conservatives are ready for a fight that could energize voters. Conservatives say the looming Supreme Court battle boosts their midterm prospects President Trump hasn't yet named a replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy, but conservatives are ready for a fight that could energize voters.

Fact check: President Trump’s Duluth rally speech

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up as he shares the stage with Pete Stauber, right, a Republican congressional candidate running in a traditionally Democratic district, and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., left, during a rally at Amsoil Arena in Duluth, Wednesday, June 20. President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up as he shares ... (more)

The Latest: Trump says GOP lawmakers ‘wasting their time’

Calling for a "strong" border, he says: "We cannot allow our Country to be overrun by illegal immigrants as the Democrats tell their phony stories of sadness and grief, hoping it will help them in the elections." Trump issued an executive order Wednesday to move to halt family separations, saying he was affected by the same images.

House GOP postpones key immigration vote amid party infighting

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan , Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Republican Kevin Brady and House Majority Leader Republican Kevin McCarthy enter a news conference with House Republican leadership on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. on June 20, 2018. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan , Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Republican Kevin Brady and House Majority Leader Republican Kevin McCarthy enter a news conference with House Republican leadership on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. on June 20, 2018.

Ivanka Trump thanks father for border action

Presidential adviser and daughter Ivanka Trump has broken her days-long silence about the forced separations of migrant families, tweeting thanks to President Donald Trump for "taking critical action" to end the separations at the border. Presidential adviser and daughter Ivanka Trump has broken her days-long silence about the forced separations of migrant families, tweeting thanks to President Donald Trump for "taking critical action" to end the separations at the border.

Five things to watch in immigration debate this week

House Republicans this week will vote for the first time in their running eight-year majority on the divisive issue of legalizing certain undocumented immigrants. The House is expected to hold Thursday votes on two immigration bills that address the legal status of so-called Dreamers, young undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, as well as border security and enforcement.

Trump plan to cut $15B in spending squeaks through House

The House on Thursday only narrowly passed a White House plan to cut almost $15 billion in unused government money, a closer-than-expected tally on legislation that's designed to demonstrate fiscal discipline in Washington even though it wouldn't have much of an impact on spiraling deficits. The measure, which passed 210-206, would take a mostly symbolic whack at government spending because it would basically eliminate leftover funding that wouldn't have been spent anyway.

California in spotlight as voters cast ballots in primaries

Democrats in the country's most populous state are battling to ensure they come out on top in several congressional districts that voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. LOS ANGELES: Voters cast ballots in eight US states for key primary elections on Tuesday, with all eyes on California, where the outcome could swing the balance of power in Congress.