Travis 75th: Many units have called Travis home

Travis has seen a lot of squadrons and commands come and go since it was opened during World War II as a transport base, transitioned to a Strategic Air Command Base during the Cold War and then shifted back to an air mobility base. Here are some of the units that called Travis home and, in some cases, still do.

Idaho Briefing – Sept 25

This is a summary of a few items in the Idaho Weekly Briefing for July 17. Interested in subscribing? Send us a note at . Idaho picked up a large-scale wheat deal with China this week, as good economic news generally continued to roll.

Nearly 400 military bases must be tested for drinking water contamination — and it will take years

Firefighting foam fills a hangar at the Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho in a 2012 photograph. As the two former Philadelphia-area bases become the first Navy sites linked to tainted drinking water, what happens in our region could help shape a response nationwide.

Air Force jet crashes after flyover at Obama graduation speech

The pilot of a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird that crashed following a flyover met with President Barack Obama shortly safely ejecting safely into a Colorado field. News of the crash broke while Obama's motorcade was returning to Peterson Air Force Base for his flight back to Washington.