Despite cancer, McCain’s maverick ways press on in tweets

Sen. John McCain's legacy was thrust into focus nearly one year ago when he announced his brain cancer diagnosis. The six-term Senator and decorated Vietnam War veteran is now fighting the illness from his beloved Arizona, and filling the role of one of the few Congressional Republican voices to publicly rebuke Trump administration decisions.

Now a candidate, Romney appears to embrace Trump presidency Source: AP

With the sun setting over his shoulder, the former Republican presidential nominee and would-be senator tells his audience, gathered on the patio of a resort, that President Donald Trump will win a second term. Romney also says that annual $1 trillion deficits under Trump are "highly stimulative."

Tariffs will slow economic growth, says a internal White House study

The findings from the White House Council of Economic Advisers have been circulated only internally and not publicly released, as is often the case with the council's work, making the exact economic projections unknown. But the determination comes as top White House officials continue to insist publicly that Mr. Trump's trade approach will be "massively good for the U.S. economy."

President Trump blasts Jeff Flake: ‘Let’s face it, he’s a Flake!’

President Donald Trump teed off on Sen. Jeff Flake again on Thursday, ridiculing his persistent Republican critic from Arizona as "humiliatingly forced out of his own Senate seat without even a fight." Trump's tweet appears to be a preemptive strike against Flake, who on Thursday delivered the latest in a series of Trump critiques from the Senate floor.

Bannon embraces establishment for fun and profit

Bad-boy bully Steve Bannon who evangelized the "burn it all down" approach to Republican politics now advises GOP candidates to back away from anti-establishment rhetoric. Bannon told the New York Times that "the anti-establishment thing is kind of a luxury we can't afford right now."

Marco Rubio’s Reboot for the Trump Era

Rubio's strategy, like that of so many other senators, has been to engage Trump where he can and fight him where he can't. When will he stop engaging and start fighting? little more than a week ago, Senator Jeff Flake gave a scathing graduation speech to the Harvard Law School class of 2018.

More women than ever run for Senate, but hurdles remain

Women running for office are due to hit another threshold with a record number of candidates for the U.S. Senate, but actually winning those seats and changing the face of the chamber are a different matter. Many of the women jumping into Senate races face uphill campaigns.

Sen. Jeff Flake hopes Republicans in Congress start talking back to Trump after primaries

Sen. Jeff Flake said on "Meet the Press" that congressional Republicans need to "find a voice" on President Donald Trump once primary season is over. Sen. Jeff Flake hopes Republicans in Congress start talking back to Trump after primaries Sen. Jeff Flake said on "Meet the Press" that congressional Republicans need to "find a voice" on President Donald Trump once primary season is over.

Sen. Jeff Flake: Not Ruling Out 2020 Presidential Run

Sen. Jeff Flake said Sunday he hasn't ruled out a White House run in 2020 - and would do so as a Republican. In an interview on NBC News' "Meet The Press," the Arizona Republican - a frequent critic of President Donald Trump - said he hoped "somebody runs on the Republican side other than the president."

The Republican frontrunner in Arizona’s Senate race is being…

Republican Rep. Martha McSally of Arizona is likely the strongest candidate to run against a centrist Democrat in the contest for retiring Sen. Jeff Flake's seat. But McSally, the establishment favorite, was critical of Trump until she announced her candidacy and has long been bankrolled by Never Trumpers.

As Republicans worry about McCain’s health, political concerns diminish

Republican fears that Sen. John McCain's battle with cancer could make it harder for the GOP to keep its Senate majority have receded, with a crucial election deadline just days away. Friends who have visited McCain as he struggles with one of the deadliest forms of brain cancer are encouraged by his recent state, though they recognize the 81-year-old's condition could deteriorate rapidly.

Confirmation vote for CIA chief brings out Democratic rift

The political schism in the Democratic Party is playing out in the confirmation vote for Gina Haspel as CIA director, as support from red-state senators facing re-election bumps up against a more liberal flank eyeing potential 2020 presidential bids and rejecting the nominee over the agency's clouded history of torture. Haspel's confirmation became all but certain with a favorable 10-5 vote Wednesday by the Senate Intelligence Committee.