The Latest: Trump distancing self from fate of GOP in House

President Donald Trump appears to be distancing himself from the fate of House Republican candidates two days before the midterm elections. Trump told reporters as he left the White House en route to a pair of rallies Sunday that he thinks "we're going to do well in the House, but as you know, my primary focus has been on the Senate, and I think we're doing really well in the Senate."

Spending tops $51m in Tennessee US Senate contest

Tennessee's contentious, open U.S. Senate contest has run up a tab that tops $51 million so far, more than half of it spent by outside groups that are clogging TV airwaves with attack ads. Federal campaign finance disclosures filed this week show that Democratic former Gov. Phil Bredesen's campaign has spent $11.7 million since the race began, while outside groups have spent about $13 million to help him.

TN Senatorial Candidate Phil Bredesen In Full Damage Control, Forced…

Former Tennessee Governor and now Democrat Senate candidate Phil Bredesen has moved into damage control mode on the heels of the recent Project Veritas undercover sting video . In the video release by Project Veritas shows campaign staffers admitting that Bredesen's statements about supporting Kavanaugh are just phony talking points.

Tennessee Senate candidates exchange barbs in final debate

Republican U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn repeatedly attempted to tie her Democratic opponent Phil Bredesen to national Democrats in their second and final debate. Meanwhile, the former Tennessee governor deflected the attacks by once again promising to improve bipartisanship in Congress.

Taylor Swift’s political colour irks Trump

Washington, Oct 9 : US President Donald Trump has told reporters that he likes Taylor Swifts music "about 25 per cent less now" that she endorsed a Democrat in a Senate race in Tennessee. Swift on Sunday showed her political stripes in a post on Instagram in which she said she would be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate, reports

Taylor Swift breaks political silence, reveals who she’s voting for

Taylor Swift has made her first foray into US politics, publicly endorsing two Democrats for the upcoming midterm elections, while aligning herself to fight for LGBTQ rights, gender equity, and an end to the "terrifying, sickening and prevalent" racism in the US. "In the past I've been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now," Swift wrote on social media on Sunday night, in a plea for her young fans to register and vote.

Guest column: Congress must oppose single payer health care

During the first U.S. Senate debate between Republican Congressman Marsha Blackburn and former Democrat Gov. Phil Bredesen, I was encouraged to hear Marsha push back against single payer health care. Single payer, also known as "Medicare for All," is the brainchild of liberal socialists like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and self-proclaimed socialist Democrat congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York.

Taylor Swift’s Political Instagram Post Is a Sign of the Post-Brett Kavanaugh Times

In this op-ed about Taylor Swift's surprisingly political Instagram post, writer Lily Herman breaks down how her endorsement of Democratic candidates fits into a political sea change following Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court. and sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice.

The alt-right is calling Taylor Swift a ‘traitor’ after she broke her …

Taylor Swift broke her usual political silence on Sunday to endorse two democrats and speak on the importance of equal rights. The alt-right is calling Taylor Swift a traitor, attacking her appearance, and calling for violence after she endorsed two Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives and the Senate .

Trump heads to Philadelphia after bashing Booker again

WASHINGTON -- President Donald Trump , continuing his tour of states he carried in the 2016 election, is traveling to Pennsylvania on Tuesday. He is scheduled to address the National Electrical Contractors Association, which is holding its annual conference in Philadelphia this week.

Trump Rallies in Tennessee to Boost Senate Hopeful Blackburn

President Donald Trump is back in Tennessee, trying to push U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn's Senate bid over the finish line. Trump headlined a high-dollar, closed-door fundraiser for Blackburn in Johnson City before appearing at a packed rally at the Freedom Hall Civic Center.

Trump to hold Tennessee rally, Blackburn Senate fundraiser

In this Sept. 25, 2018, file photo, Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn speaks at the 2018 Tennessee U.S. Senate Debate against Democratic candidate and former Gov. Phil Bredesen at Cumberland University in Lebanon, Tenn.

Exclusive: McConnell-aligned PAC unleashes $6.4 million ad blitz to protect Senate majority

WASHINGTON A super PAC aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is unleashing a $6.4 million advertising onslaught on Tuesday as the fall midterm campaign begins in earnest. The spending blitz by the Senate Leadership Fund includes $1.1 million in advertising in Tennessee, a deep-red state President Donald Trump won by 26 percentage points in 2016.