TN Senatorial Candidate Phil Bredesen In Full Damage Control, Forced…

Former Tennessee Governor and now Democrat Senate candidate Phil Bredesen has moved into damage control mode on the heels of the recent Project Veritas undercover sting video . In the video release by Project Veritas shows campaign staffers admitting that Bredesen's statements about supporting Kavanaugh are just phony talking points.

James O’Keefe Unleashes After Twitter Purges Thousands of…

Twitter was set ablaze late Tuesday evening after the social media platform restricted and locked thousands of conservative, pro-Trump accounts. A woman named Gretchen Smith tweeted a picture of herself Wednesday morning and said she is indeed a real person who founded 'Code of Vets' yet she was locked out and lost 3300 followers.

Project Veritas founder claims Trump asked him to seek out Obama’s college records

Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe claims President Trump asked him if he could "get inside" Columbia University and retrieve college records of former President Barack Obama, according to a report Friday. Trump approached O'Keefe seeking the help of Project Veritas, a conservative group that attempts to expose media bias, to obtain Obama's college records to see if Obama claimed he was a foreign student at any point, according to a passage from O'Keefe's upcoming book obtained by CNN .

Project Veritas founder honored by conservative group

James O'Keefe, the right-wing activist whose Project Veritas organization recently attempted to plant a false story in The Washington Post, was honored Wednesday night by a conservative religious organization. The award was presented by Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, in a ceremony at Washington's Trump International hotel.

The sinister screw-ups of James O’Keefe

James O'Keefe's latest sad attempt to own liberals included hiring a woman to pose as a sexual assault survivor in order to defend a reported child molester -- and that says a lot about the political media world that allows him to thrive. Weeks after the The Washington Post first broke the story that several women reported that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore had sexually harassed or assaulted them when they were teenagers, the paper published several new stories on the matter -- this time detailing an apparent "undercover sting operation" aimed at its reporters.

James O’Keefe Threatens to Leak – Hundreds of Hours’ of…

Conservative activist James O'Keefe says he's got the goods on CNN, threatening a Wikileaks-style dump of "hundreds of hours" of unaired newsroom footage. "We're calling it CNN Leaks," O'Keefe told CNN via a phone interview on Wednesday, adding that "part one" would be dropped on Thursday at about 10 a.m. ET.

WND Tries to Play the Watergate Card on Hillary

WorldNetDaily is somewhere between desperate and disengaged when it comes to the election -- its tired attacks on Hillary are like so much poo flung at the wall and because nobody believes WND , none of what they're doing is sticking. First came an article by Corsi claiming that "experts" say that "Watergate pales in comparison," citing right-wing activist Thomas Lipscomb saying the undercover video investigation by James O'Keefe and the Wikileaks' publication of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's emails provide "ample proof of criminal activity that would have made both Donald Segretti and G. Gordon Liddy blush."

DNC moves to discredit Project Veritas after latest video alleges campaign illegality

The Democratic National Committee moved Monday to discredit Project Veritas Action after the conservative group released a third undercover video alleging that the party engaged in illegal campaign coordination. In a statement, DNC spokesman Adam Hodge advised voters to "consider the source," referring to Project Veritas president James O'Keefe.

Conservative activist James O’Keefe exposes possible Democratic foul play in video

Conservative activist James O'Keefe has released secretly recorded, selectively edited video footage that includes a Democratic activist bragging about deploying troublemakers at rallies held by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. After O'Keefe released the video this week, two Democratic operatives stopped working on the presidential race and both the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton's campaign denounced the tactics described in the footage.

Fox ‘News’ Liars Claim Clinton Wants To Repeal 2nd Amendment

The scourge of Fox and Friends Weekend, Tucker Carlson, based his entire interview with right-wing hate radio host, David Webb on the fallacy that Hillary Clinton plans to repeal the Second Amendment, because fear is all Republicans have these days. Poor Tucker can't grasp that implementing common sense gun control measures does not mean anyone is repealing the Second Amendment.