Siblings of Arizona GOP congressman back rival in stunning ads

Videos show brothers and sisters of Paul Gosar, previously condemned for comments about George Soros, telling voters to choose Democrat David Brill in midterm election Six siblings of a Republican congressman from Arizona seeking re-election in November's midterms have publicly endorsed his Democratic opponent - all but ensuring an awkward Thanksgiving family dinner this year. Paul Gosar, who first entered Congress in 2011 with the backing of the populist Tea Party movement and is known for his hardline views on immigration, is odds-on favorite to retain his seat in the rural, conservative state when he faces Democrat David Brill this fall.

End of an era? Tea Party class of House Republicans fades

The Republican newcomers stunned Washington back in 2010 when they seized the House majority with bold promises to cut taxes and spending and to roll back what many viewed as Barack Obama's presidential overreach. Eight years later, the House Tea Party Caucus is long gone.

District 4 county commission candidate addresses Tea Party

Historic City News readers are patriotically invited to attend the open meeting of the Saint Augustine Tea Party held at the Village Inn located at 900 North Ponce de Leon Boulevard on Tuesday May 22nd at 6:30 p.m. The special guest speaker will be Jeremiah Blocker, Republican candidate for St. Johns County Commission District 4. As a conservative candidate, Jeremiah says that he understands that we need to maintain our great quality of life while keeping our tax burden low through fiscal responsibility. Protecting our citizens and children is top priority.

The failures of constitutionalism

"The first time I heard the term libertarian outside of a leftist anarchist context, it was in reference to the kind of paleo-conservative constitutionalism of the early Tea Party and the Ron Paul 'RE volution.' While I was impressed by their strong anti-war stance, as well as their opposition to the bank bailouts among other things, I was always uneasy about the ways they couched it in the rhetoric of the united states constitution.

Colo. River Tea Party hosting candidate meet-and-greet

U.S. Senate candidate Kelli Ward, state Rep. Darin Mitchell and other candidates are expected to attend a meet-and-greet the Colorado River Tea Party is hosting Saturday, along with a presentation by filmmaker and blogger Trevor Loudon. Newly appointed District 13 legislators and candidates Rep. Tim Dunn, R-Yuma, and Sen. Sine Kerr, R-Buckeye, are also on the list for the event as of Wednesday evening.

Northern Illinois Tea Party to meet

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#SC4: William Timmons Comes Unhinged

A freshman state senator who is also one of the leading "Republican" candidates for South Carolina's fourth congressional district told a top conservative activist to "f*ck off" - and then threatened to "crucify" the activist if they continued to criticize him. This brusque reproof came courtesy of first-term GOP senator William Timmons - who ousted incumbent Mike Fair in the "Republican" primary for S.C. Senate District 6 in June of 2016.

Project Veritas founder honored by conservative group

James O'Keefe, the right-wing activist whose Project Veritas organization recently attempted to plant a false story in The Washington Post, was honored Wednesday night by a conservative religious organization. The award was presented by Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, in a ceremony at Washington's Trump International hotel.

Do the 2017 results mean anything for the 2018 elections?

As the vote totals rolled in on Tuesday, and Democrats chalked up election wins in Virginia, New Jersey and other states, the outcome sparked an immediate flurry of predictions about what will happen in the 2018 mid-term elections, and whether it would mean an electoral rebuke for President Donald Trump, with Democrats hoping to win back control of the House and Senate. 1. Is the GOP edge in Congress going to end in November 2018? This will be the biggest story line over the next year.

US Agrees To Pay Tea Party Groups In Suits Over IRS Scrutiny

The Trump administration has agreed to a "very substantial" payout and is apologizing to tea party groups to settle lawsuits over the extra, often burdensome IRS scrutiny they received when applying for tax-exempt status during the 2012 election. Eddie Greim, a lawyer representing more than 400 groups in a class-action suit, provided that general description of the proposed financial settlement, which remained sealed Thursday.

Major Conservative Groups Call for Mitch McConnell to Step Down as GOP Senate Majority Leader

Right now, leaders of Tea Party holdover groups are calling on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to step down from his position. The conservative groups are all saying that Sen. McConnell, from Kentucky as well as the rest of his enablers should all go take a hike.

Trump Weaponizes IRS, Urges an End NFL Tax Breaks

An emerging theme of the Republican administration in Washington is how quickly lawmakers have become their own caricatures of the Obama administration. We saw this during the first health care debate when conservative members of Congress, after having argued against the process of passing Obamacare, literally kept their bill in a locked room under the Capitol.