After the ‘unfortunate event,’ Starbucks organizes Philly corporates…

Even before a Rittenhouse Square barista caused a national uproar when she alerted the cops in April about two black men who hadn't ordered anything, Starbucks says it had planned to come to Philadelphia to convene local corporations for a career fair. It had already held similar events in five other cities, including Atlanta and Los Angeles.

GOP Rep Introducing Bill to Limit Trump’s Trade Powers

Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., is set to introduce a bill curtailing President Donald Trump's authority to impose specific tariffs, The Hill is reporting. The legislation, expected to be introduced on Monday, would require Trump to gain congressional approval before he could impose tariffs "in the interest of national security," according to the website.

Ex-GOP Mayor Michael Bloomberg Will Spend $80M To Help Dems Flip House

Bloomberg, a Republican who owns an estate in North Salem, has pledged to donate $80 million to help flip the U.S. House majority in favor of Democrats. Bloomberg also says he will support governors in November -- regardless of their political party -- who share his positions on gun control, climate change, education and other polarizing issues that he thinks are dividing the nation and causing legislative gridlock.

1 Dead In Brewerytown Building Collapse

CBS 3 PHILADELPHIA, PA - OCTOBER 20: U.S. Senate Republican candidate Pat Toomey and U.S. Senate Democratic candidate Congressman Joe Sestak debate at the National Constitution Center on October 20, 2010 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Recent Polls have the two candidates neck and neck with two weeks to Election Day.

Pennsylvania GOP Senate candidate Lou Barletta new target of conservative group

U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, the Republican nominee in Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate race, talks to supporters during an election night results party on May 15 in Hazleton, Pa. I cover national politics and policy from Washington D.C., with a focus on Pennsylvania and New Jersey lawmakers and issues.

Barletta will take on Casey

MARK MORAN / THE CITIZENS' VOICE U.S. Sen. Bob Casey listens as he's introduced by Wilkes University President Patrick Leahy at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre on Friday. U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Pa., Republican primary candidate for U.S. Senate, smiles during a lunch gathering, Tuesday, May 15, 2018, in Scranton, Pa.

Pennsylvania’s sleepy Senate race could still play key role

This Oct. 14, 2016 photo shows Rep. Jim Christiana in Beaver, Pa, Pennsylvania's thus-far sleepy U.S. Senate race could nonetheless help determine whether Republicans maintain control of the chamber.

Trump To Allow Year-Round Sales Of High-Ethanol Gas

President Donald Trump will allow year-round sales of renewable fuel with blends of 15 percent ethanol as part of an emerging deal to make changes to the federal ethanol mandate. Republican senators and the White House announced the deal Tuesday after a closed-door meeting, the latest in a series of White House sessions on ethanol.

Cohn is the latest in a string of high-level departures from the West Wing.

Top economic adviser Gary Cohn is leaving the White House after breaking with President Donald Trump on trade policy, the latest in a string of high-level departures from the West Wing. Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council, has been the leading internal opponent to Trump's planned tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum, working to orchestrate an eleventh-hour effort in recent days to get Trump to reverse course.

Senators want alerts when gun buyers fail background checks

A bipartisan group of U.S. senators want state law enforcement to be alerted when someone who isn't allowed to buy a gun tries to purchase one. U.S. Sens. Pat Toomey and Chris Coons on Monday said they will introduce a bill that requires federal authorities to notify states when a felon or a fugitive attempts to buy a firearm but fails the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Key Words: Trump calls for taking guns first and going through due…

Flanked by Senators John Cornyn and Dianne Feinstein President Donald Trump meets with members of Congress to discuss school and community safety on Wednesday. President Donald Trump suggested on Wednesday taking guns away from potential mass shooters, saying during a White House meeting with lawmakers, "I like taking the guns early."

White House: Talks to continue on renewable fuel standard

The White House says talks will continue on a dispute over the future of the renewable fuel standard, which has pitted lawmakers from corn-producing states against those representing refineries. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says President Donald Trump had a productive meeting Tuesday with four Republican senators: Ted Cruz of Texas, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Charles Grassley and Joni Ernst of Iowa.

Toomey: Trump’s Support on Background Checks Is ‘Constructive’

Sen. Pat Toomey said Sunday some Senate opponents of gun reform are "reconsidering" their position on background check legislation - a hopeful sign as the Pennsylvania Republican tries to revive a failed 2013 measure. "The president's expression of support for strengthening the background check system is constructive," Toomey said.

Trumpocracy review: David Frum’s appalled analysis lacks fire and fury

The Bush speechwriter who coined the term 'axis of evil' has become one more Never-Trump Republican overtaken by the pace of the events he decries The chaos that marked Donald Trump's presidential campaign is a hallmark of his presidency. Decorum once associated with the Oval Office has been replaced by " modern presidential ", an amalgam of tantrums, tirades , and tweetstorms, all emanating from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Trump-owned properties.

The 2007 Club for Growth RePORK Card

Even though the Democratic majority vowed to return Congress to a path of fiscal responsibility, the 2008 appropriations bills were stuffed with wasteful pork projects. While Representatives John Campbell, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Scott Garrett, and David Obey offered 50 amendments to strip outrageous pork projects from the appropriations bills, only one amendment, offered by Rep. Jeff Flake, passed.

Howard Dean: Republicans will be “nailed with corruption” for GOP tax bill

Former chair of the Democratic National Committee Howard Dean said the GOP would be "nailed with corruption" as a result of the recently passed tax bill pointing out that more than a dozen Republican lawmakers stand to personally benefit from the new legislation. "The Republican Party is going to get nailed with corruption because of the tax bill," Dean said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Thursday.