The 2007 Club for Growth RePORK Card

Even though the Democratic majority vowed to return Congress to a path of fiscal responsibility, the 2008 appropriations bills were stuffed with wasteful pork projects. While Representatives John Campbell, Jeff Flake, Jeb Hensarling, Scott Garrett, and David Obey offered 50 amendments to strip outrageous pork projects from the appropriations bills, only one amendment, offered by Rep. Jeff Flake, passed.

Rep. Brian Mast wants feds to pay for massive algae problems they caused

A Florida Republican wants to add massive algae blooms to the list of emergencies covered by the federal government after his state was denied emergency funds for a destructive bloom that covered 200 square miles last year. Rep. Brian Mast introduced the Federal Do No Harm Act last month to add harmful algae blooms in state waterways and coastal estuaries caused by water releases from Army Corps of Engineers-controlled dikes and dams to the list of disasters under the Stafford Act.