Time to finish the Wall

Russian 2016 Influence Operation Targeted African-Americans - The Russian influence campaign on social media in the 2016 election made an extraordinary effort to target African-Americans, used an array of tactics to try to suppress turnout among Democratic voters and unleashed a blizzard Russia favored Trump, targeted African-Americans with election meddling, reports say - The Russians set up 30 Facebook pages targeting the black community, the researchers found, and 10 YouTube channels that posted 571 videos related to police violence against African-Americans.

1 year after hurricanes, senators call for hearing on health,…

One year after hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Senator Elizabeth Warren and seven other senators are renewing calls for Senate hearings over the dire states of health and education infrastructure on the islands. "Hurricane Maria killed about 3,000 American citizens, had a crippling impact on health and education systems in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, had an impact all around the country - and yet, there hasn't been a single hearing," Warren, D-Mass., said Tuesday, using her time at a committee hearing on a different education bill passed in 2015 to raise the issues.

Honda: Tariffs are – top policy concern’

Honda's proposed $55 million expansion in Lincoln may be a sign of optimism about the company's future, but it doesn't mean the automaker isn't worried about tariffs, a Honda official said Thursday. The Trump administration's investigation into possible tariffs is "Honda's top policy concern and could have very serious negative, unintended consequences on both the auto industry and the American economy," Honda spokesman Ted Pratt said in email Thursday.

BusinessDoug Jones says he’s hoping to halt proposed auto tariffs

U.S. Sen. Doug Jones today said he and Sen. Lamar Alexander are working to craft a "solution" to proposed tariffs on imported automobiles which they say could negatively impact U.S. jobs. "We hope to introduce that proposal as early as next week, after consulting with our automotive manufacturers and working with our colleagues to grow bipartisan support for this legislation," Jones said, in remarks on the Senate floor in Washington.

House GOP debates Obamacare subsidies

With their Obama repeal efforts failed and with customers howling over rising costs, House Republicans went back to the drawing board Wednesday looking to come up with new solutions to boost consumer choices and free businesses from the 2010 law's punishments. The Ways and Means Committee debated bills that would let Americans use Obamacare subsidies to buy cheaper plans outside the law's "exchange" markets, creating an escape hatch for health people who can't afford robust coverage that is getting more expensive.

Association opposes new push to divest TVA, PMA assets

The American Public Power Association is disappointed to see that President Trump's report on government reorganization proposes to divest the transmission assets held by the Tennessee Valley Authority and three of the Power Marketing Administrations: Southwestern Power Administration, Western Area Power Administration, and Bonneville Power Administration, said Sue Kelly, president and CEO of the Association. Trump's Fiscal Year 2018 and 2019 budget requests included the same proposal, "both of which were wisely and widely rejected by a broad coalition of members of the House and Senate.

Trump signs executive order he says will keep immigrant families together

President Donald Trump , under growing pressure to act unilaterally to address the immigration crisis, Wednesday signed an exeutive order that he said would keep immigrant families at the border together. Add Immigration as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Immigration news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Health care is about to get way easier for small businesses and self-employed Americans

Lamar Alexander, a Republican, represents Tennessee in the U.S. Senate and serves as chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Today, if you're a self-employed plumber or a farmer or a waitress at a small restaurant, you likely don't have access to the same kind of lower-cost health insurance, tax breaks and patient protections that employees of bigger companies, such as IBM or Microsoft, enjoy.

Lawmakers to challenge Trump administration over pre-existing conditions

In a turn of events, Republicans - despite multiple attempts over the last decade to repeal and replace President Barack Obama's signature health care legislation - are now coming to the beleaguered law's defense. Add Donald Trump as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Donald Trump news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Boosting GOP, Trump accuses Pelosi of being an ‘MS-13 lover’

President Donald Trump on Tuesday accused House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of being an "MS-13 lover" and dismissed a Democratic Senate candidate as a "tool" of Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a line of attack likely to become familiar as he boosts Republican congressional candidates ahead of midterm elections. Trump's visit to Nashville, Tennessee, promoted the Senate candidacy of Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who was expected to face former Gov. Phil Bredesen in the race to replace retiring Republican Sen. Bob Corker.

Consumers brace for premium hikes while lawmakers grasp at remedies

As some insurers angle for hefty premium hikes and concerns grow that more Americans will wind up uninsured, the federal health law is likely - once again - to play big in both parties' strategies for the contentious 2018 election. Candidates are already honing talking points: Is the current dysfunction the result of the law or of GOP attempts to dismantle it? The impact of changes to the law made by Republicans over the past year - modifications short of the "repeal and replace" they promised - is becoming clear.

Race For Governor Still Tight

With three months to go before Tennessee's Republican primary for governor, none of the big four candidates seems ready to throw in the towel. If the well-financed quartet of U.S. Rep. Diane Black, businessman Randy Boyd, state House Speaker Beth Harwell and businessman Bill Lee hang in until Aug. 2 in the hopes of replacing term-limited Republican Gov. Bill Haslam, the eventual winner may have as little as 25 percent of the vote before taking on the Democrat primary winner - who will have had to spend considerably less time and money - in November.