The Latest: GOP bringing in Arizona prosecutor for hearing

Senate Republicans are bringing in Arizona prosecutor Rachel Mitchell to handle questioning about allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh at Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. A news release from committee chairman Chuck Grassley's office describes Mitchell as "a career prosecutor with decades of experience prosecuting sex crimes."

GOP bringing in Arizona prosecutor for Kavanaugh hearing

Senate Republicans are bringing in Arizona prosecutor Rachel Mitchell to handle questioning about allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh at Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. A news release from committee chairman Chuck Grassley's office describes Mitchell as "a career prosecutor with decades of experience prosecuting sex crimes."

GOP pushing forward for Kavanaugh, accuser wants ‘fairness’

The Latest on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and a woman who accuses him of sexually assaulting her decades ago : Groups fighting Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court say a Judiciary Committee lawyer's tweet shows Republicans are biased against Christine Blasey Ford's allegation of sexual assault. Mike Davis, the chief counsel for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, tweeted late Wednesday that he had personally interviewed Kavanaugh as part of the committee's review but was "still waiting" for Ford's lawyers to get back to him.

Differences separate allegations against Kavanaugh, Thomas

In this Dec. 8, 2017, file photo, Anita Hill speaks at a discussion about sexual harassment in Beverly Hills, Calif. The sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh recall Hill's accusations against Clarence Thomas in 1991, but there are important differences as well as cautions for senators considering how to deal with the allegations.

The Children at the Trump Rallies

'The most bizarre thing I've ever been a part of': Trump panel found no voter fraud, ex-member says - Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, one of the 11 members of the commission formed by President Trump to investigate supposed voter fraud, issued a scathing rebuke of the disbanded panel on Friday A Member Of Trump's Voter Commission Just Said The White House's Voter Fraud Claims Were "False" - Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, a Democrat who served on President Donald Trump's voter fraud commission, published a trove of documents Friday that he said show zero signs of mass voter fraud Paul Manafort Was Deep in Debt. He Saw an Opportunity in Trump.

Leahy’s border plan draws criticism

Border-zone legislation recently introduced by U.S. Sens. Patrick Leahy, , and Patty Murray, , is drawing sharp criticism from illegal immigration opponents who say the bill would "hamstring" the nation's immigration enforcement. The proposal, titled the Border Zone Reasonableness Restoration Act of 2018, would limit the border zone within which U.S. Department of Homeland Security officers may stop vehicles and search private property for the purpose of protecting national security.

Vermont US Sen. Leahy seeks to limit border search zones

Vermont's Democratic U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy wants to reduce the size of the zone in which border agents can question people about their immigration status. Currently, officers of the Department of Homeland Security have broad legal authority to stop vehicles and search private land, without warrants within 100 miles of the border.

Low-key Washington insider makes a bid to fix struggling VA

Modest and low-key, Robert Wilkie was hastily dispatched to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs after a furious President Donald Trump fired Secretary David Shulkin amid political infighting at the department. Wilkie wasn't Trump 's first choice to replace Shulkin; his nomination of White House doctor Ronny Jackson withered in the face of late-surfacing allegations of workplace misconduct.

Association opposes new push to divest TVA, PMA assets

The American Public Power Association is disappointed to see that President Trump's report on government reorganization proposes to divest the transmission assets held by the Tennessee Valley Authority and three of the Power Marketing Administrations: Southwestern Power Administration, Western Area Power Administration, and Bonneville Power Administration, said Sue Kelly, president and CEO of the Association. Trump's Fiscal Year 2018 and 2019 budget requests included the same proposal, "both of which were wisely and widely rejected by a broad coalition of members of the House and Senate.

White House pitches merging education and labor as part of streamlining, drawing skepticism

Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, flanked by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, gives a presentation on proposals to consolidate executive agencies as U.S. President Donald Trump holds a Cabinet meeting at the White House in Washington Thursday. The Trump administration proposed a major reorganization of the federal government on Thursday, calling for merging the education and labor departments, moving the federal food stamp program to the Department of Health and Human Services and renaming that agency.

Murray, Cantwell speak in support of immigration bill

Measure would prohibit federal agencies from removing a child without legal immigration status from parent or legal guardian within 100 miles of border Sens. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., and Patty Murray, D-Wash., stand together as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a 2016 campaign event in Everett. Senate Democrats are joining together to keep families together.

Trump DOJ looks to gut key Obamacare provision

Democrats are coming out swinging against the Department of Justice's move to back a lawsuit brought forth by a group of Republican attorneys general against the Affordable Care Act that, if successful, could result in the dismantling of some of the most significant parts of the health care law. The Senate's top Democrats fired off a letter to President Trump on Friday to denounce the decision and urged Trump's Justice Department to reverse course.

Daily on Healthcare: Schumer signals healthcare at center of Democrats’ midterm strategy

SIGN UP! If you'd like to continue receiving Washington Examiner's Daily on Healthcare newsletter, SUBSCRIBE HERE: Schumer signals that healthcare will be central to Democrats' midterm strategy. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is calling on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to use the August work period to expand Obamacare .

Senate Dem to HHS Secretary: Should Government Tell Women Which Doctors They Can and Cannot See?

A Senate Democrat grilled Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on his agency's efforts to exclude Planned Parenthood from receiving Title X family planning funds during on an Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on the agency's Fiscal Year 2019 budget request. "I want to ask about Title X. It is the only federal program dedicated to providing family planning and related preventative care, including birth control and life-saving cancer screenings to uninsured or underinsured and low-income people.

Cantwell’s fundraising far ahead of Gibson’s in U.S. Senate race

Congressional candidates recently filed quarterly campaign finance reports to the Federal Election Commission, providing the first glimpse this year into the fundraising race between local Republican challenger Joey Gibson and Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell. Before candidates are required to file, they need to raise $5,000.

Podcast: Opioid Legislation on Deck

Legislation to combat the nation's opioid crisis has moved through the Senate's Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee chaired by Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., who is with ranking member Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. Legislation aimed at helping communities deal with the opioid addiction crisis is moving through the Senate and House, despite Democrats' disgruntlement about the process.