State Dems To Elm City: Get Out The Vote

While Republicans were in Southbury Saturday , Connecticut Democrats descended on Sherman Avenue to remind local politicos that the fate of November's general election - and whether or not the state turns red - may rest on whether they can turn out the New Haven vote. On Saturday afternoon around 20 local, state, and national Connecticut Democratic politicians joined a few dozen supporters to send that message and celebrate the opening of the New Haven Democratic headquarters at 180 Sherman Ave. Rallying just 24 days before Nov. 6's general election, most of the party's slate of statewide candidates visited the Elm City to make a pitch for why 2018 represents a critical year for American democracy.

Dr. Peter Rostenberg

U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro listens with state, local and federal officials at a roundtable discussion about efforts to curb the opioid epidemic at the New Haven Police Department in 2016. U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro listens with state, local and federal officials at a roundtable discussion about efforts to curb the opioid epidemic at the New Haven Police Department in 2016.

Ganim wants abortion rights in Constitution

Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim, left, shown here with to Ned Lamont, the party-endorsed Democratic candidate for governor, wants to protect abortion rights with an amendment to the state Constitution. Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim, left, shown here with to Ned Lamont, the party-endorsed Democratic candidate for governor, wants to protect abortion rights with an amendment to the state Constitution.

Putin talk drowns out anti-poverty advocates

The Connecticut Coastal Chapter of RESULTS visited Washington D.C. Monday for the groupA's annual conference. During a visit to Capitol Hill, they met with several of their legislators, including Congressmen Himes and Courtney, and Congresswoman DeLauro.

Father brushing daughters hair in bathroom

CONNECTICUT Percentage of Kids Younger than 18 with Dad Present Living in Poverty Rank: 2 out of 51 Source: WalletHub CONNECTICUT Percentage of Kids Younger than 18 with Dad Present Living in Poverty Rank: 2 out of 51 Source: WalletHub In today's world where foregoing a paycheck is often not an option, many parents work outside the home while raising their kids. Two-thirds of family households depend on two incomes, according to financial site WalletHub.

Candidates with less experience spend more

David Stemerman, of Greenwich, who closed his multi-billion-dollar hedge fund to make a run for Connecticut governor, has made a six-figure commitment to television ads. David Stemerman, of Greenwich, who closed his multi-billion-dollar hedge fund to make a run for Connecticut governor, has made a six-figure commitment to television ads.

Connecticut launches Troops for Teachers veteran training program

With the help of a federal grant, Connecticut will kick off Troops for Teachers, a program that trains veterans to become K-12 educators, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and Connecticut congressional leaders announced Friday. "The men and women of our armed forces are a uniquely talented group of people with an exceptional skill set that undoubtedly can be beneficial in the classroom as they move into civilian life," Governor Malloy said.

Clark, DeLauro introduce bill to protect tipped workers

Katherine Clark and Congresswomen Rosa DeLauro today introduced the Tip Income Protection Act, legislation to protect tipped workers from having their tips taken by their employers. In a House Appropriations Committee hearing yesterday, Clark and DeLauro pressed Department of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta on the recent DOL proposal allowing restaurants and other employers to keep workers' tips.

The Latest: Senate GOP plans a vote aimed at ending shutdown

With no apparent indications of a breakthrough in the Senate to avoid a government shutdown, the Capitol is illuminated in Washington, Friday evening, Jan. 19, 2018. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is joined by fellow Democrats, from left, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., Rep. James E. Clyburn, D-S.C., Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., and Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, D-N.M., as she speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Jan. 19, 2018.

The Latest: Pelosi: Trump gets F for ‘failure in leadership’

The U.S. government shut down at midnight after Congress failed to resolve a partisan standoff over immigration and spending. In a late-night vote, Senate Democrats blocked a bill that would have kept the government running for four weeks.

Connecticut governor orders flags to half-staff for Vegas

Hartford - Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy has ordered flags lowered to half-staff until Friday to honor the victims of the shooting in Las Vegas. Democratic Sens. Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal on Monday both criticized their colleagues in Congress for failing to act to prevent gun violence, while also expressing their sorrow.