Chris Matthews predicts Trump may resign in a the coming weeksa |…

The Hill reports that House Democrats are making plans for a prolonged shutdown that could start Saturday and last until Jan. 3. Chris Matthews predicts Trump may resign in the coming weeks: MSNBC's Chris Matthews has suggested that President Donald Trump could resign as part of a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller. "What if [Mueller] were to say he would let the children walk if the old man does the same?" Matthews said Monday, according to a Huffington Post report .

Good and plenty: Sunday reflection

As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before him, and asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments: You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; you shall not defraud; honor your father and your mother."

Justice Sotomayor focuses on kids, not Kavanaugh, at Chicago event to promote her latest books

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has a hearty laugh as the Chicago Public Library welcomes her in celebration of the release of her two new children's books during an event at the Harold Washington Library in Chicago on Oct. 12, 2018. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has a hearty laugh as the Chicago Public Library welcomes her in celebration of the release of her two new children's books during an event at the Harold Washington Library in Chicago on Oct. 12, 2018.

Protester Asks GOP Senator To ‘Apologize’ To Her Children …

Anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters flooded Capitol Hill for weeks before his eventual confirmation to the Supreme Court, walking hallways in protest, holding loud demonstrations and confronting senators in their office buildings. Alethea Torrellas Shapiro had been attempting to harass senators on the Hill for days and regularly used her school-aged children to do so.

‘Chief Days’: Audit finds Manchester police gave out 466 extra days…

The report finds the practice of rewarding select officers with extra time off began in the early 1990s under former police chief Louie Craig, expanded "without authorization" by... The maker of a state-of-the-art system that measures the cleanliness of laboratory exhaust air won the state's Product of the Year Award from the New Hampshire Tech ... (more)

As feds focused on detaining kids, border drug prosecutions plummeted

After the crackdown on families began, the number of people charged under federal drug trafficking laws fell to the lowest level since 2001. As feds focused on detaining kids, border drug prosecutions plummeted After the crackdown on families began, the number of people charged under federal drug trafficking laws fell to the lowest level since 2001.

Too Little, Too Late for Many Gubernatorial Candidates on Education Funding

After slashing their states' education funding for years, some incumbent governors up for re-election in 2018 are trying to convince voters that they've seen the error of their ways by claiming that they will prioritize education going forward. But voters should be cautious about believing such promises.

Colorado’s Safe2Tell program sees youth suicide reports increase dramatically, echoing national trend

Communications supervisor Linde Brinkhoff handles a Safe2Tell call at the Colorado State Patrol's Denver regional communications center on Sept. 20. The friend, upset after a breakup with a boyfriend, said she had taken pills and that this would be her final message.

Farragut principal surprised by school for 30-year milestone in education

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - Gina Byrd has served as principal at Farragut Primary School for six years now, but she's been in hte education profession for 30 everyone from her entire school to her congressman made sure she marked the occasion with a surprise.

Confluence of Trump’s Climate Villainy and Jailing Child Refugees,…

Bill McKibben, co-founder of, wrote an op-ed for the Guardian raising alarm about the Trump administration and how the global climate crisis is expected to force millions of people to flee their homes over the next few decades. Environmental activist Bill McKibben, in an op-ed published by the Guardian on Tuesday, expresses alarm over the Trump administration's "disastrous, linked policies on climate change and child refugee camps."

Scathing report on family separations finds agencies ill-prepared to handle zero-tolerance policy

Government agencies were ill-prepared to handle family separations that occurred due to the Trump administration's zero-tolerance policy and their decisions probably led to more illegal border crossings, a federal report has found. The Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General's report released Tuesday said that the administration's choice to limit entrances at legal ports of entry due to a lack of resources "likely resulted in additional border crossings."

New children’s book teaches kids to be more like Michelle Obama and Oprah

Be Bold, Baby by Alison Oliver is an upcoming series of children's books that introduce kids to modern-day inspirational women An illustration of the media queen with her pal Gayle King is captioned, 'Be Loyal' quoting: 'Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher' A new series of children's books will teach the next generation to aspire to be more like modern-day heroines such as a Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey . Be Bold, Baby , by Alison Oliver will hit bookshelves on October 16 and will feature the former first lady and famed TV host's most motivational quotes with a series of illustrations in two separate books.

FEATURE-With books and jewels, drag queens teach children tolerance

Dressed in a yellow gown and rainbow cape, drag queen Topsie Redfern reads a story to a group of young British children about a little girl who likes herself - even when she develops "stinky toes" and "purple polka-dotted lips". "It is really important to remember we are all different and it is good to like ourselves for what makes us different from each other," Redfern told about 20 children aged one to five at a central London pre-school.

Lawmakers question Google over kids’ privacy on YouTube

Google says YouTube isn't for children under 13, which is why it created a separate app for them, YouTube Kids. Rep. David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat, and Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, a Nebraska Republican, sent a letter this week to Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai asking for more details about how the service collects data.

Congressmen question Google over kids’ privacy on YouTube

Rep. David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat, and Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, a Nebraska Republican, sent a letter this week to Google CEO Sundar Pichai asking for more details about how the service collects data. Their letter comes months after privacy advocates filed a complaint about YouTube with the Federal Trade Commission.