Colorado’s Safe2Tell program sees youth suicide reports increase dramatically, echoing national trend

Communications supervisor Linde Brinkhoff handles a Safe2Tell call at the Colorado State Patrol's Denver regional communications center on Sept. 20. The friend, upset after a breakup with a boyfriend, said she had taken pills and that this would be her final message.

2 new polls split on U.S. House race between Rep. Mike Coffman and Democratic challenger Jason Crow

Who is leading the race for Colorado's most competitive seat in the U.S. House of Representatives depends on whom you ask. Democrat Jason Crow is either significantly ahead or in a dead heat with Republican Rep. Mike Coffman of Aurora, according to two new polls of voters conducted in mid-September in the 6th Congressional District.

Why Colorado’s 6th district is 2018 battleground

In the past, Democrats have poured millions of dollars in Colorado's 6th District to unseat incumbent Rep. Mike Coffman , with little success. Now, Democratic challenger and combat veteran Jason Crow is on the ballot, and strategists say if he can win, Democrats can feel confident about taking back the House.

Colorado VA hospital plagued by delays, high costs to open

It's more than $1 billion over budget and five years behind schedule, but an elaborate new veterans hospital is finally ready to open in suburban Denver with the promise of state-of-the-art medical care. The $1.7 billion Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center made it through nearly a decade of management blunders, legal battles, federal investigations and congressional hearings.

Long-delayed, budget-busting VA hospital to open in Colorado Source: AP

It's more than $1 billion over budget and five years behind schedule, but an elaborate new veterans hospital is finally opening in suburban Denver on Saturday with the promise of state-of-the-art medical care. The $1.7 billion Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center made it through nearly a decade of management blunders, legal battles, federal investigations and congressional hearings.

First Republican Congressman joins Democrats to save net neutrality – CNET

The first Republican in the House of Representatives has joined the effort to save the Obama-era 2015 net neutrality rules. On Tuesday, Rep. Mike Coffman from Colorado told the website Politico that he plans to support the Congressional Review Act resolution drafted by Democrats, which aim to save rules the Republican-led .

As Supreme Court battle roils DC, suburban voters shrug

It stands to shift the direction of the nation's highest court for decades, but President Donald Trump's move to fill a Supreme Court vacancy has barely cracked the consciousness of some voters in the nation's top political battlegrounds. Even among this year's most prized voting bloc - educated suburban women - there's no evidence that a groundswell of opposition to a conservative transformation of the judicial branch, which could lead to the erosion or reversal of Roe v.

Colorado politicians strike back on border

A transport officer, right, helps immigrants Dilma Araceley Riveria Hernandez, and her son, Anderson Alvarado, 2, get off the bus after they were processed and released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on June 24 in McAllen, Texas. A transport officer, right, helps immigrants Dilma Araceley Riveria Hernandez, and her son, Anderson Alvarado, 2, get off the bus after they were processed and released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on June 24 in McAllen, Texas.

House Overwhelmingly Rejects GOP Immigration Bill

Despite a last-minute endorsement from President Donald Trump, the House on Wednesday roundly rejected a comprehensive Republican immigration bill that would have funded a border wall and sought to keep migrant families together despite prosecution. The measure also provided a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children-a concession hardline Republicans had vehemently opposed.

Battle for control of U.S. Congress advances in seven states

A bitterly personal matchup in New York between a convicted felon seeking to reclaim his congressional seat from a former prosecutor is among dozens of key races in seven U.S. states on Tuesday, as voters pick candidates for November elections that will determine control of Congress. Voters in Colorado, Maryland, South Carolina, Utah, Oklahoma and Mississippi will also select competitors for the Nov. 6 elections, when Democrats will seek to wrest control of Congress from U.S. President Donald Trump's Republican Party.

GOP Rep. Mike Coffman to Trump: The time has come to fire Stephen Miller

Yeah, good luck with that, buddy. If Corey Lewandowski could earn brownie points with Trump just by womp-womping at the misfortune of a little girl, how many brownie points has Miller earned by spearheading the child separation policy? By the logic of TrumpWorld, maximum "political incorrectness" is a virtue even it produces a political fiasco that you're forced to hurriedly undo for fear of the political consequences.

Border separations ripple through midterm campaigns

Wrenching scenes of migrant children being separated from their parents at the southern border are roiling campaigns ahead of midterm elections, emboldening Democrats on the often-fraught issue of immigration while forcing an increasing number of Republicans to break from President Donald Trump on an issue important to the GOP's most ardent supporters. Kim Schrier, a Democrat running for a House seat outside of Seattle, said Trump is pushing an "absolutely unethical, inhumane" policy.

Democrats Don’t Need a Message. They Have Trump.

Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota has warned fellow Democrats that they shouldn't just oppose Trump in the midterm elections; she thinks they need a substantive alternative policy message. Representative Steve Stivers of Ohio, who runs the House Republican Campaign Committee, has the same advice for his Democratic rivals: to avoid making the same mistake in November that his party made in 1998 by stressing the negatives of a Democratic president.