Kansas chemist facing deportation says US is his home

A man who is fighting deportation from Kansas to his native Bangladesh acknowledges he made mistakes years ago while trying to stay in the U.S. and hopes immigration officials will let him remain in the country he calls home. Syed Ahmed Jamal entered the U.S. legally in 1987 on a student visa.

Kansas man facing deportation after coming to U.S. in 1987 gets temporary stay

An adjunct chemistry instructor living in Kansas who was arrested last week by immigration officials and faced imminent deportation to Bangladesh has been granted a temporary stay of removal but that doesn't mean he will be allowed to stay in the U.S., his attorney said Thursday. Syed Ahmed Jamal, 55, a native of Bangladesh who has lived in the U.S. for more than 30 years, was arrested Jan. 24 in the front yard of his home in Lawrence as he walked his children to school.

Black Dems take lead in push to impeach Trump

Black lawmakers say that's the result of Trump repeatedly stirring racial controversies, from personally attacking two members of the caucus to casting equal blame on white supremacists and counterprotesters for fatal violence in Charlottesville, Va., last summer. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver , former head of the CBC, said the bitter feelings originated well before Trump arrived in office, when the real estate mogul began raising doubts about former President Obama's birthplace - and, by extension, his authority to be president.


Reps. Bonnie Watson Coleman and Emanuel Cleaver have warned Twitter officials that if the company does not do more to stop "racially divisive communications," Congress will regulate the service. The ethics committee at Bath Spa University, a public university in England, barred a graduate student in psychotherapy from studying transgender people who regret having reassignment surgery.

MO Lieutenant Governor calls for special session to expel Senator Chappelle-Nadal

Lieutenant Governor Mike Parson is calling on the Missouri Senate to go into special session along with Veto Session, with the purpose of expelling Senator Chappelle-Nadal from the body under the authority vested to the Senate under Article III, Section 18 of the Missouri Constitution. The Lieutenant Governor called the recent comments made by Senator Chappelle-Nadal unacceptable and unbefitting conduct of a Missouri State Senator.

CBC Urges Uber To Consider African Americans For Top Executive Positions

On Monday, the CBC sent a letter to the San Francisco-based ride-hailing company that noted several senior-level vacancies, including CEO and COO, that "would benefit from African-American leadership." They also noted that the company has no Black members on its board of directors.

House Dems Hired A Fired McDonald’s Worker As Their IT Guy

Multiple members of Congress hired as their information technology administrator an individual whose most recent job experience was being fired from McDonald's, The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group has learned. Spokesmen for the members won't say what their bosses knew at the time, but the hiring decisions highlight the role - witting or unwitting - the representatives played in what turned out to be an alleged multi-million-dollar IT scam in Congress with serious implications for national security.

Cleaver’s Statement on Paris Climate Agreement

'A withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement is short-sighted and a dangerous nod to the National Flat Earth Agency and others who refuse to accept the science that has been embraced by every nation on the planet except war-torn Syria and dictator-driven Nicaragua. Staying in the Paris Climate Agreement is an opportunity for the U.S. to reaffirm its global leadership and the best way to hold India, China, and other nations accountable on taking real actions to combat pollution.

Kansas City Tuesday Night Link Look

Dozens of retired teamsters held a rally Tuesday just outside the government agency tasked with overseeing retirement funds. Congressman Emanuel Cleaver joined the rally near Union Station at the Employee Benefits Security Administration Offices to raise the profile of a bill introduced Tuesday by Senator Bernie Sanders and co-sponsored by Missouri Sen. Oak Street, which lines up with the Heart of America Bridge and goes by the federal courthouse, the City Hall and Sprint Center, has seen unending construction over the years.

Trump exchange with black journalist sparks outrage

In this Jan. 5, 2017, file photo, House Assistant Minority Leaser James Clyburn of S.C speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus expressed bafflement and dismay on Feb. 16, after President Donald Trump asked a black reporter to set up a meeting with them.

Dem admits: We ‘have no strategy,’ ‘no plan’ for retaking the House

A House Democrat lamented Thursday that his party has no plan and no strategy for rebuilding a Democratic majority in the House over the next few years. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., told MSNBC Thursday that he voted to keep Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in her leadership role in the House, but admitted that she and other Democratic leaders don't have a plan in place.

Clyburn retains power among Democrats a ” despite whispers, without challenge

There was a moment this week when what appeared to be a challenge to the leadership standing of South Carolina's Rep. Jim Clyburn could have turned nasty. It didn't because, according to Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, Clyburn is "ridiculously loyal."

Pelosi Challenger: Dems in Denial of Middle Finger from Middle America

A congressman who moved for the House Democratic caucus to postpone their leadership elections until the week after Thanksgiving said heA s "one of the few people who have been advocating that we vote openly instead of a closed ballot, because I think itA s cowardice not to." Rep. Emanuel Cleaver said he thinks in the end "Nancy Pelosi is going to have the votes."

TKC Must Read!!! Kansas City Congressman Cleaver Condemns…

The latest statement from Kansas City's top ranking elected official and repeated criticism of the alt.-right as Democratic Party denizens and progressives across the nation fear how Team Trump is shaping up. Checkit: As we watch President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence begin their selection process of the next White House administration, one can only hope that the future cabinet is a representation of the interest and benefits of all Americans.

After Hack, Black Democrat Says He Gets a Avalanche of Mean-Spiriteda Calls

An African American congressman who represents Kansas City, Missouri, said he has received an "avalanche of mean-spirited phone calls" - including from "N-word sickos" - since hackers allegedly leaked the cell phone numbers and other personal information of nearly all Democrats in the House of Representatives last week. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver said in a statement to ABC News that his cell phone number and other personal information were released in the alleged leak on Aug. 12. Cleaver has changed his phone number and has ramped up security at his personal residence because his home address was also made public, according to his spokesperson.