South Carolina lawmakers to Trump: Save nuclear fuel project Source: AP

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster and the state's congressional delegation urged President Donald Trump on Thursday to reconsider his administration's plan to shut down a half-built nuclear fuel facility in their state. A federal appeals court last week allowed the Energy Department to go forward with plans to close the multibillion-dollar facility at the Savannah River Site near Aiken.

The lessons after threats drive a black legislator to quit

Voters in this very liberal, very white state made Kiah Morris a pioneer when in 2014 they elected her as its first black female legislator. Not long after, another Vermont surfaced: racist threats that eventually forced her to leave office in fear and frustration.

Sen. Tim Scott to vote ‘yes’ on Kavanaugh, says it wasn’t ‘easy decision’

U.S. Senator Tim Scott say he'll vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the United State Supreme Court, but says it was not an easy decision to make for him. Scott issued a formal statement Monday explaining his decision, calling the confirmation process and controversy in recent weeks "gut-wrenching" for the country.

The Latest: Trump assures South Carolina as flooding lingers

The Latest on President Donald Trump's visit to the Carolinas to review Hurricane Florence damage : President Donald Trump says South Carolina is in for a "rough few days" in the aftermath of Florence, but assures the state that the federal government "is behind you." He noted that he visited North Carolina earlier in the day to survey other damage caused by Florence.

‘Koch brothers’ rebrand underway, still a conservative force

The Democrats' super villains for much of the last decade have quietly launched a rebranding effort that may vanquish the "Koch brothers" moniker from American politics. The catalyst came earlier in the year when ailing billionaire conservative David Koch stepped away from the family business, leaving older brother Charles as the undisputed leader of the Kochs' web of expanding political and policy organizations.

‘Koch brothers’ rebrand underway, still a conservative force Source: AP

The Democrats' super villains for much of the last decade have quietly launched a rebranding effort that may vanquish the "Koch brothers" moniker from American politics. The catalyst came earlier in the year when ailing billionaire conservative David Koch stepped away from the family business, leaving older brother Charles as the undisputed leader of the Kochs' web of expanding political and policy organizations.

Republicans withdraw Trump nominee for federal appeals court at last minute over race record

In stunning move, Mitch McConnell withdrew the nomination of Ryan Bounds for a federal appeals court seat minutes before a Senate vote Tim Scott, the South Carolina senator who is the Republican's only African-American member of the senate, said he could not vote for Bounds Writings from his time as a Stanford student showed Bounds, 45, had called multicultural groups at the university 'feel-good ethnic hoedowns' In a stunning move, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has withdrawn one of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees just minutes before he was set for a confirmation vote. Trump had nominated the assistant U.S. attorney in Oregon to be a judge on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Trump blasts Germany as being ‘captive to Russia’ in tiff over NATO defense spending

President Donald Trump slammed European allies at a summit of NATO leaders on Wednesday, singling out the biggest of them for economic ties to Russia while skimping on defense. The source of Trump's ire: German support for a pipeline that would bring Russian natural gas through the Baltic Sea to central Europe - even as it spends just 1.24 percent toward the collective defense of NATO allies.

3 black US senators introduce bill to make lynching a federal hate crime

"It's a travesty that despite repeated attempts to do so, Congress still hasn't put anti-lynching legislation on the books," Sen. Corey Booker, a New Jersey Democrat, said in a statement. "This bill will right historical wrongs by acknowledging our country's stained past and codifying into law our commitment to abolishing this shameful practice."

Gowdy aimed to close the circle of South Carolina’s history

Trey Gowdy's emotions sometimes bubble disconcertingly close to the surface, but unlike many members of the political class, he is not all surface. At a breakfast four years ago, the South Carolina Republican had tears in his eyes as he explained when he would leave Congress: after Tim Scott, a Republican congressman who had been appointed to the Senate in 2013 when Jim DeMint resigned, had been elected in his own right.

Gowdya s Departure Closes the Circle of South Carolinaa s History

Trey Gowdy's emotions sometimes bubble disconcertingly close to the surface, but unlike many members of the political class, he is not all surface. At a breakfast four years ago, the South Carolina Republican had tears in his eyes as he explained when he would leave Congress: after Tim Scott, a Republican congressman who had been appointed to the Senate in 2013 when Jim DeMint resigned, had been elected in his own right.

George F. Will: Gowdy aimed to close the circle of South Carolina’s history

Washington a Trey Gowdy's emotions sometimes bubble disconcertingly close to the surface but, unlike many members of the political class, he is not all surface. At a breakfast four years ago, the South Carolina Republican had tears in his eyes as he explained when he would leave Congress: after Tim Scott, a Republican congressman who had been appointed to the Senate in 2013 when Jim DeMint resigned, had been elected in his own right.

New Trump program could help Fairfield, Vallejo economic efforts

Nine census tracts in Fairfield and Vallejo have been approved for the Opportunity Zone program created within the $1.3 trillion budget recently adopted by Congress and signed by President Donald Trump. The programs use three possible benefits from capital gains to encourage development in areas that meet a certain low-income standard and poverty rate.

CFOs ready to spend thanks to tax changes, Deloitte says

Corporate America's love affair with the Trump administration's tax overhaul is still going strong, and it's pushing spending plans to multiyear highs. In a quarterly survey released by Deloitte LLP Wednesday, a record number of chief financial officers said that now is a good time to take greater risks, pushing up growth expectations for revenue, earnings, capital spending and hiring.

GOP Sen. Scott: Trump Shouldn’t Pardon Manafort, Flynn

President Donald Trump shouldn't pardon his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and national security adviser Michael Flynn, said Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. "Keeping the pardon off the table is a necessary part of the process," Scott said Sunday on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

Transcript: Sen. Tim Scott, Rep. Trey Gowdy on “Face the Nation”

Rep. Trey Gowdy, who grew up in an affluent white family, and Sen. Tim Scott, who is black and grew up in a poor, single-parent home, view their friendship as an unlikely one. But it's exactly the kind of friendship they believe is needed to bring about more unity in a politically and racially divided time.