New Scorecard Shows Only 12 House Democrats Have Fully Embraced Game-Changing Progressive Agenda

"To build an equal and just society in which every person can live a healthy life, Members of Congress must support bold progressive policies that address the public health and environmental crises that are ripping our country apart," say the groups behind a new congressional scorecard that details lawmakers' support for key pieces of legislation.

Durbin calls on DHS Secretary Nielsen to resign in fiery rebuke

Sen. Dick Durbin called for Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to resign her post over the Trump administration's practice of separating immigrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border. Sen. Dick Durbin called for Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to resign her post over the Trump administration's practice of separating immigrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

California representatives considering House Democratic leadership bids

Rep. Barbara Lee accepts the Elizabeth Taylor Legislative Leadership Award at the AIDSWatch 2016 Positive Leadership Award Reception at the Rayburn House Office Building on Feb. 29, 2016, in Washington. The surprise primary loss on Tuesday of House Democratic caucus chairman Joe Crowley of New York has triggered a wave of speculation on Capitol Hill about which Democrat will secure his high-ranking leadership position after the 2018 election.

Congresswoman Lee Slams U.S. Withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council

Congresswoman Barbara Lee issued the following statement on the Trump administration's decision to withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council: "I am outraged, but frankly not surprised, by the Trump administration's announcement that the United States will withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council. "This decision serves no purpose other than to weaken our leadership on the world stage and isolate us from our allies.

Anita Hill talks about harassment in Oakland lecture

Anita Hill heads to speak during The Barbara Lee & Elihu Harris Lecture Series at the Oakland Marriott City Center, Saturday, March 10, 2018, in San Francisco, Calif. Anita Hill heads to speak during The Barbara Lee & Elihu Harris Lecture Series at the Oakland Marriott City Center, Saturday, March 10, 2018, in San Francisco, Calif.

Perdue to food box critics: Give the idea a chance

Perdue is defending a proposal that would cut food stamp benefits in half and replace them with a pre-ass... WASHINGTON - Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue on Thursday defended a proposal that would replace a portion of food stamp benefits with pre-assembled boxes of shelf-stable goods delivered to recipients' doorsteps - an idea one lawmaker called "a cruel joke." The idea was first floated last week in the Trump administration's 2019 budget proposal, tucked inside a larger plan to slash the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, by roughly $213 billion - or 30 percent- over the next 10 years.

The chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus said some of…

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus will be protesting President Donald Trump's first State of the Union address in several different ways on Tuesday night, with the chairman not explicitly ruling out a walkout by some. Many of the CBC members, along with other Democrats outside of the caucus, will be wearing black as a sign of solidarity with victims of sexual assault.

How California leaders are fighting back against Sessions’ marijuana…

California legislators are fighting back against U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions' attempt to crack down on state cannabis programs, launching letter-writing campaigns, proposing new laws and discussing federal lawsuits to safeguard legal marijuana. "The genie is out of the bottle, so to speak," said Rep. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, who's calling for federal legislators to block Department of Justice appointments until the Trump administration changes its stance on marijuana.

Senior House Dem: Time for ‘a new generation of leaders’

In this July 25, 2016 file photo, Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., speaks during the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Sanchez says it's time for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other veteran leaders to make way for a new generation of Democratic leaders.

Young immigrants shout down Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi

Several dozen young immigrants shouted down Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in the U.S. House, on Monday during an event in San Francisco, following her recent conversations with President Donald Trump over the future of a program that grants many of them legal status. "We are immigrant youth, undocumented and unafraid," they shouted as they overtook an event Pelosi was holding to encourage passing legislation that would give many young immigrants legal status.

California cities fear violence at latest right-wing protests

Police officers at protests over the cancellation of conservative provocateur Ann Coulter's speech in Berkeley. Police officials are bracing for violence at a 'No to Marxism in America' rally over the coming weekend: REUTERS/Stephen Lam Seeking to prevent a pair of right-wing weekend rallies from spiralling into violence, Bay Area authorities are vowing a bolstered police presence and urging counter-protestors to stay away as federal officials rebuffed a high-profile attempt to halt a San Francisco rally.

‘A right to speech is not a right to violence’: Politicians…

Politicians across the spectrum are condemning the violent clashes between neo-Nazis and white nationalists and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe sharply denounced the violence, tweeting , "The acts and rhetoric in #Charlottesville over past 24 hours are unacceptable & must stop.

House leaders block Defense Department from buying uniforms for Afghan army

The House on Thursday voted to block the Defense Department from buying Afghan army uniforms as part of its annual defense spending bill. The amendment, passed by voice vote without debate, would prohibit any 2018 funding to be used in the Pentagon's efforts to equip the Afghan National Army after a Pentagon auditor announced a criminal probe of the uniform purchases this week.

CBC Urges Uber To Consider African Americans For Top Executive Positions

On Monday, the CBC sent a letter to the San Francisco-based ride-hailing company that noted several senior-level vacancies, including CEO and COO, that "would benefit from African-American leadership." They also noted that the company has no Black members on its board of directors.