New Scorecard Shows Only 12 House Democrats Have Fully Embraced Game-Changing Progressive Agenda

"To build an equal and just society in which every person can live a healthy life, Members of Congress must support bold progressive policies that address the public health and environmental crises that are ripping our country apart," say the groups behind a new congressional scorecard that details lawmakers' support for key pieces of legislation.

New York Today: New York Today: The Primaries

In the 12th Congressional District , which includes the east side of Manhattan and northern Brooklyn, Carolyn Maloney , 72, who has held the seat since 1993, is defending it against the well-financed Suraj Patel , a 34-year-old hotel executive. Mr. Patel has amassed $1.2 million - more than Ms.

Voters Go to the Polls in 7 States on Tuesday. Here’s What to Watch For.

There will be important primaries or runoff elections on Tuesday in seven states, including New York, where establishment candidates in both parties face tests in colorful, close primary battles. A former congressman on Staten Island will try to regain his seat, hoping Republican voters look past his criminal record as a tax evader.

Trump Strikes Syria Over Chemical Weapons Attack; Some Lawmakers Question Legality

President Donald Trump announced shortly after 9 pm EST Friday that he ordered U.S. armed forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. "The purpose of our actions tonight is to establish a strong deterrent against the production, spread, and use of chemical weapons.

The Latest: Freed immigrant activist to go to Trumpa s speech

The Latest on Ravi Ragbir, an immigrant activist facing deportation who was ordered freed from detention : An immigrant activist who was freed from detention as he fights deportation will attend President Donald Trump's State of the Union address. Rep. Yvette Clarke's office says Ravi Ragbir will be the Brooklyn congresswoman's guest at the speech Tuesday night.

Congresswoman invites detainees’ wife to Trump speech

U.S. Rep. Nydia Velazquez addresses Amy Gottlieb, left, the wife of detained immigrant rights activist Ravi Ragbir during a demonstration in front of the Manhattan office building that houses Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018 in New York.

Confederate street names stir debate in . . . New York City?

Two of the Confederate Army's best-known leaders have streets named for them in a place not normally associated with the Southern side of the Civil War - New York City. Now some elected officials are trying to undo it.

Black, Hispanic Democrats slam Donald Trump’s minority outreach

Leading black and Hispanic Democrats on Tuesday urged voters to reject Donald Trump 's attempted outreach to minority communities, slamming the Republican presidential hopeful as a "bigot" who has risen to the top of his party while pushing a hateful, racist platform. On a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, top congressional Democrats and prominent officials from New York City said Mr. Trump 's recent effort to court African-American voters is an insult.