Latest Anti-Russia Sanctions Bill Does Not Target Nord Stream II

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi speaks at a press conference at the U.S. Capitol July 23, 2018 in Washington, D.C.. Pelosi, Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Eliot Engel have introduced a resolution condemning U.S. President Donald Trump's statements during the recent summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

New York Today: New York Today: The Primaries

In the 12th Congressional District , which includes the east side of Manhattan and northern Brooklyn, Carolyn Maloney , 72, who has held the seat since 1993, is defending it against the well-financed Suraj Patel , a 34-year-old hotel executive. Mr. Patel has amassed $1.2 million - more than Ms.

Voters Go to the Polls in 7 States on Tuesday. Here’s What to Watch For.

There will be important primaries or runoff elections on Tuesday in seven states, including New York, where establishment candidates in both parties face tests in colorful, close primary battles. A former congressman on Staten Island will try to regain his seat, hoping Republican voters look past his criminal record as a tax evader.

Key US allies a perplexeda as Trump treats friends like enemies

President Donald Trump's decision to cancel his historic meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un left South Korea's President "perplexed" and sparked angry protests in Seoul. One sign read: "We condemn Trump."

US will fight Russian interference in 2018 elections, Mike Pompeo says

Chairman Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., center, talks with Ranking Member Rep.Eliot Engel, D-NY., right, as they listen to testimony by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, left, at the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday. WASHINGTON >> Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday the Trump administration will not tolerate Russian interference in the 2018 congressional midterm elections.

Pompeo: US will fight Russian interference in 2018 elections

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the Trump administration will not tolerate Russian interference in the 2018 congressional midterm elections. Pompeo told the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday that the administration will take "appropriate countermeasures" to fight what he called "continued efforts" by Russia to meddle in November's vote.

Congress Debates Export Control Reform

One of the chief critiques of this reform effort is that it could create a redundant transaction-by-transaction review process for technology transfers that are already governed by existing export controls law. In response, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair, Ed Royce , and Ranking Member Eliot Engel , introduced the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 to modernize and strengthen the commercial and dual-use export controls regime and provide updated statutory authorization for the Export Administration Regulations governed by the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security .

PHOTO: Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md. speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill, Jan. 12, 2017.

Top House Democrats are accusing the White House and State Department of forcing out administration officials not considered sufficiently loyal to President Donald Trump 's agenda. Add Midterm Elections as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Midterm Elections news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Trump’s Decision to Postpone Russia Sanctions Splits Lawmakers Along Party Lines

Republicans and Democrats are at odds over the Trump administration's decision Monday to hold off on new sanctions that target Russia's intelligence and defense sectors. Lawmakers included the Russia sanctions in a bill signed reluctantly by President Donald Trump in August.

House Foreign Affairs Chair Ed Royce Latest Republican Leaving Congress

Republican U.S. Rep. Ed Royce said on Monday he will not run for a 14th term representing his southern California district, a seat that could be a key to Democratic efforts to win back control of the House of Representatives. Royce is the latest in a wave of some 30 House Republicans who have announced they are retiring, running for another office or resigning.

Trump Says Unsure If Tillerson Will Remain Secretary of State

President Donald Trump said he was unsure whether his top diplomat, Rex Tillerson, would remain in his post for the rest of Trump's term in the White House and was "not happy" that some State Department staff were not supporting his agenda. In an interview with Laura Ingraham on Fox News late Thursday, Trump attacked the department under Secretary of State Tillerson and said he alone determines U.S. foreign policy.

Engel Encourages New Yorkers to Sign Up For Health Coverage During Open Enrollment

Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, marked the start of the health insurance open enrollment period by encouraging New Yorkers to explore their insurance options and sign up for coverage. November 1st marks the start of New York's health insurance open enrollment period.

ANGOSTURA chairman Dr Rolph Balgobin cleared of allegations of sexual harassment

ANGOSTURA Holdings Ltd chairman Dr Rolph Balgobin has been cleared of allegations of sexual harassment against him by a female executive at the company. The Express was told Nelson's report was based on the whistleblower complaint and that neither Balgobin nor the female executive was interviewed before it was completed.

Senator Marco Rubio: Cuba’s dictatorship keeping secrets about attacks on U.S. diplomats

Cuba's apartheid dictatorship is continuing its strategy of saying it knows nothing about the attacks on U.S. diplomats and playing dumb. The only ones who are looking dumb, however, are the useful idiots in the U.S. who continue to defend the corrupt and brutally repressive Castro regime.

U.S. Lawmakers Probing Whether Trump Aide Promoted U.S.-Russian Nuclear Project

Democratic lawmakers said on September 13 that are investigating whether U.S. President Donald Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn secretly promoted a U.S.-Russian project to build dozens of nuclear reactors in the Middle East.

Guatemala president moves to expel UN anti-corruption chief

Ivan Velasquez, commissioner of the United Nations International Commission Against Impunity, listens to a question during a press conference in Guatemala City, Friday, Aug. 25, 2017. Velasquez and Guatemala's attorney gener... GUATEMALA CITY - President Jimmy Morales announced Sunday he was expelling the head of a U.N. anti-corruption commission that is investigating his campaign's financing - only to have the order blocked hours later by Guatemala's top court.

Trump ‘fire and fury’ is justified; America won’t back down in the face of bullies like North Korea

The hand-wringers were out in full force this past week, moaning and wailing about President Donald Trump's rhetoric regarding North Korea. That the left, the weak-kneed and the RINOs have filled a week of media coverage with rants and dire pronouncements about the supposed dark effect of Trump's bold message to the regime only shows how far down the progressive path Barack Obama managed to push the nation - how far away from the Founding Father we've strayed.