4 primaries, Ohio special election promise key midterm clues

Voters in five states head to the polls Tuesday, and both parties are looking for signs of strength and unity in their ranks less than three months until the first major U.S. election since the inauguration of President Donald Trump. Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Washington State all hold primaries Tuesday, but the special election in Ohio's 12th Congressional District is taking on particular significance because it's the last time Democrats and Republicans will face off directly until November.

St. Louis Democrat hopes to duplicate Ocasio-Cortez feat

To continue reading this premium story, you need to become a member. Click below to take advantage of an exclusive offer for new members: FILE - In this July 28, 2018 file photo, New York Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who defeated10-term Rep. Joseph Crowley in the Democratic primary, campaigns for Michigan Democratic gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed in Detroit.

Louisiana Spotlight: With the special session’s deadline nearing, will Louisiana have a budget?

Gov. John Bel Edwards speaks Tuesday, May 22, 2018, at Earl K. Long Gym on the campus of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in Lafayette, La. Gov. John Bel Edwards speaks Tuesday, May 22, 2018, at Earl K. Long Gym on the campus of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in Lafayette, La.

Civil rights groups turn to locals to ramp up pressure on Congress to undo citizenship question

Civil rights groups are turning to churches and community groups to pressure Congress to undo a decision to add a question about citizenship to the Census. Civil rights groups turn to locals to ramp up pressure on Congress to undo citizenship question Civil rights groups are turning to churches and community groups to pressure Congress to undo a decision to add a question about citizenship to the Census.

Bill renaming park in St. Louis for Gateway Arch headed to the president

Missouri U.S. Senators Roy Blunt and Claire McCaskill today announced that their legislation passed the House yesterday and is headed to the president's desk. The legislation, S. 1438, which renames the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial as the Gateway Arch National Park.

DNC Favors Democrat Incumbents Over Bernie-Backing Primary Challengers

On September 29, Politico published an article claiming that Bernie Sanders Supporters have opted not to primary Democratic Party incumbents. "Democrats have long been terrified that the Sanders-Clinton slugfest of 2016 would set off a prolonged civil war in the party, forcing incumbents to fight off primary challengers from the left in Senate and gubernatorial races," Politico reported.

Cold War radiation testing in US widespread, author claim

Three members of Congress are demanding answers after a St. Louis scholar's book revealed details of how the U.S. government sprayed, injected and fed radiation and other dangerous materials to countless people in secret Cold War-era testing. St. Louis sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor wrote "Behind the Fog: How the U.S. Cold War Radiological Weapons Program Exposed Innocent Americans."

Cold War radiation testing in US widespread, author claims

Three members of Congress are demanding answers after a St Louis scholar's new book revealed details of how the US government sprayed, injected and fed radiation and other dangerous materials to countless people in secret Cold War-era testing. Louis who wrote "Behind the Fog: How the US Cold War Radiological Weapons Program Exposed Innocent Americans," acknowledged that tracing diseases like cancer to specific causes is difficult.

MO Lieutenant Governor calls for special session to expel Senator Chappelle-Nadal

Lieutenant Governor Mike Parson is calling on the Missouri Senate to go into special session along with Veto Session, with the purpose of expelling Senator Chappelle-Nadal from the body under the authority vested to the Senate under Article III, Section 18 of the Missouri Constitution. The Lieutenant Governor called the recent comments made by Senator Chappelle-Nadal unacceptable and unbefitting conduct of a Missouri State Senator.

Lawmakers Call For Sen. Chappelle-Nadal’s Resignation Over Trump Assassination Post

Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal is being called to resign after her Facebook post asking for President Donald Trump's assassination, Aug. 18, 2017. In this photo, Chapelle-Nadal speaks to the press at a conference in Jefferson City, Missouri, March 4, 2013.

Pressure mounts for state senator to resign after Trump assassination comment

Pressure mounts for state senator to resign after Trump assassination comment In a Facebook comment that has since been deleted, Chappelle-Nadal wrote, "I hope Trump is assassinated." Check out this story on USATODAY.com: https://usat.ly/2xcrWWx In this Sept.

Missouri state lawmaker being urged to resign after saying she hoped Trump ‘is assassinated’

A Missouri state lawmaker is being urged to resign Thursday after posting on Facebook that she hoped President Trump "is assassinated," according to reports. Democratic Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal acknowledged that she made the now-deleted comment in a thread on her private Facebook page in response to her and another commenter's frustration with Trump's response in the aftermath of the Charlottesville violence, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

Roy Blunt

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer on Tuesday said Democrats will block President Donald Trump's budget proposals on expanding federal immigration forces and starting the border wall project. "Senate Democrats are prepared to fight this all the way," the New York Democrat said at an event organized by the National Council of La Raza , the country's largest Hispanic civil rights advocacy group.

First months of Trump, GOP Congress produce few victories

President Donald Trump is approaching the end of his first 100 days in office without having signed a single major bill into law. Trump's top priority - repealing and replacing former President Barack Obama's landmark health care law - ran aground in the House in spite of Republican opposition to "Obamacare," the first time in recent memory that a newly elected president's first big initiative had imploded so spectacularly.

Congressman intends to sue over removal of painting

The office of a Missouri congressman says he intends to file a federal lawsuit over the removal of a constituent's painting from its display on Capitol Hill. The painting, which shows a pig in a police uniform, divided members of Congress for its depiction of Ferguson, Missouri, where weeks of protests occurred after the police shooting of an unarmed black man.

Lawmaker says Capitol pig painting coming down

A GOP congressman reported Friday that a painting stirring controversy on Capitol Hill will be taken down Tuesday after the agency responsible for maintaining the Capitol complex determined it violated rules for a student arts competition. The painting depicts Ferguson, Missouri, with a pig in a police uniform aiming a gun at a protester.