
Reps. Bonnie Watson Coleman and Emanuel Cleaver have warned Twitter officials that if the company does not do more to stop "racially divisive communications," Congress will regulate the service. The ethics committee at Bath Spa University, a public university in England, barred a graduate student in psychotherapy from studying transgender people who regret having reassignment surgery.

FBI, NASA, Missile Defense highlight work during ‘Redstone Update’

How much do you really know about Redstone Arsenal? What about the amount of money it generates for the local and state economy? Members of the public learned that and more Wednesday as officials outlined work underway to support soldiers and the rest of us with missile defense and revealed more on what the future holds for the installation. A crowd of hundreds at the Von Braun Center's North Hall was given a peek behind the curtain of Redstone Arsenal as the highest ranking military leaders and senior executives discussed its mission and global influence.