Dem Rep Hammers Trump For Joke About Wanting North Korean-Like Fealty …

To Rep. John Yarmuth , absolutely nothing was funny about a "joke" President Donald Trump made about wishing Americans would "sit up at attention" when he speaks , like the citizens of North Korea do for leader Kim Jong Un . "You don't understand sarcasm," Trump told a reporter who asked him to explain what he meant by this, and then asked who the journalist worked for.

Congress to study why it struggles to pass spending bills on time

As part of February's deal to end the government shutdown, Congress promised itself it would study the budget process to figure out why it's so bad at simple things like passing spending bills on time and keeping the government open. "I walk in here hopeful and optimistic, and yet at the same time, cynical," said Sen. David Perdue, who is one of the GOP's members on the bipartisan select committee tasked with delivering recommendations by December.

How Trump’s budget would cut the safety net for the poorest Americans

Trump's vision for the budget adds to the deficit while cutting domestic programs such as food stamps that benefit people in need Harvey, Illinois, is a depressed suburb of Chicago that was hit hard by the sluggish economy. The president is also proposing work requirements for several federal programs including housing subsidies and Medicaid.

Senate stumbles shutdown, as Rand Paul blocks vote

The government stumbled into a midnight shutdown Thursday as a rogue Senate Republican blocked a speedy vote on a massive, bipartisan, budget-busting spending deal, protesting the return of trillion-dollar deficits on the watch of Republicans controlling Washington. A shutdown - technically a lapse in agency appropriations - became inevitable as GOP Sen. Rand Paul repeatedly held up votes on the budget plan, which is married to a six-week government-wide spending measure.

Midnight shutdown creeps closer as Congress debates budget

With a midnight government shutdown creeping closer, both Republicans and Democrats grappled with internal party divisions in advance of hoped-for showdown votes Thursday night on a massive budget deal. Frustrations mounted as GOP Sen. Rand Paul held up voting on the broad measure in hopes of obtaining a recorded vote on reversing its spending increases.

The Latest: Senate GOP plans a vote aimed at ending shutdown

With no apparent indications of a breakthrough in the Senate to avoid a government shutdown, the Capitol is illuminated in Washington, Friday evening, Jan. 19, 2018. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is joined by fellow Democrats, from left, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Ky., Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., Rep. James E. Clyburn, D-S.C., Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., and Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, D-N.M., as she speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Jan. 19, 2018.

The Latest: Pelosi: Trump gets F for ‘failure in leadership’

The U.S. government shut down at midnight after Congress failed to resolve a partisan standoff over immigration and spending. In a late-night vote, Senate Democrats blocked a bill that would have kept the government running for four weeks.

Trump attacks Gillibrand in tweet critics say is sexually suggestive and demeaning

Democrats accused the president of making unsavory insinuations. , D-N.Y., who had called for Trump's resignation a day earlier because of allegations of sexual misconduct, called Trump's attack as a "sexist smear attempting to silence my voice."

Rep. Yarmuth: Republicans Know That Individual Insurance Market…

Rep. John Yarmuth told a July 20, 2017 news conference that Democrats will pursue a "government-organized or a government-run alternative" to the Obamacare's failed insurance co-ops "essentially, a public option of sorts," he said. "I don't know many people in the insurance industry who will contend that the individual insurance market is viable without government involvement," Rep. John Yarmuth , the ranking member of the House Budget Committee, told a news conference on Thursday.

Nancy Pelosi Tells Democratic Critics, ‘I Think I’m Worth the Trouble’

The House Democratic leader, Nancy Pelosi , strolled before the cameras on Thursday with defeat at her back once more, projecting a well-worn swagger - brash, defiant, more than a little off key - as she insisted that her moment had not passed. "I think I'm worth the trouble," she told reporters, parrying renewed questions from Democrats about her stewardship after yet another Republican congressional candidate, this time in Georgia, found success by making Ms.

Big Bird’s finances come under scrutiny at House budget hearing

The director of the Office of Management and Budget said Wednesday during a House hearing on the president's proposed budget that Sesame Street 's Big Bird "makes more money than anybody in this room." Mick Mulvaney was discussing the phasing out of support for public broadcasting, which President Trump proposed in the draft budget released Tuesday .

Trump tapping Washington, Wall Street veterans for top jobs

Steven Mnuchin, national finance chairman of President-elect Donald Trump's campaign, walks to lunch at Trump Tower, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016, in New York. Steven Mnuchin, national finance chairman of President-elect Donald Trump's campaign, walks to lunch at Trump Tower, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016, in New York.

Ap Photos: a selection of pictures from the past week

Britain's Thursday vote to leave the European Union adds uncertainty to a world economy that is still strugg... . Jimmy Romo, 73, leads a horse and other animals from his ranch as a wildfire burns behind them in Azusa, Calif., Monday, June 20, 2016.