Four Democrats Caught in Voter Fraud Ring Targeting Seniors in Fort Worth

Four Democrats were arrested and charges with running a voter fraud ring targeting senior citizens in Tarrant County near Dallas. Members of an organized voter fraud ring have been arrested and indicted on charges they targeted and, in one case stole, the votes of elderly voters on the city's north side.

Media Treat Trump Administration’s Partisan Fear-Mongering as…

"Progressive economists have long maintained that to the degree that Social Security needs to be 'rescued,' it could be easily managed through modest tax hikes," Johnson writes. On Tuesday, dozens of media outlets broke what at first seemed to be a major story about "the government" announcing that Social Security and Medicare will be broke in less than 20 years: If the lifelines of millions of poor, elderly and disabled were going to crumble in less than a generation, this would be major news indeed.

Correction: XGR-Medicaid Expansion story

An elderly woman with dementia who vanished from a care facility nearly two weeks ago has been found dead in a stairwell at a San Francisco hospital campus _ and her daughter wants to know how she died. An elderly woman with dementia who vanished from a care facility nearly two weeks ago has been found dead in a stairwell at a San Francisco hospital campus _ and her daughter wants to know how she died.

Louisiana Democrats Threaten To Evict Nursing Home Residents

Democratic Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards used the nuclear option Thursday morning when he directed the state Health Department to send out tens of thousands of "eviction notices" to elderly and disabled Medicaid recipients currently living in nursing and group homes. Edwards stated that unless new tax legislation can be passed before July 1, 2018, the existing state money used to take care of almost 37,000 Louisiana residents on Medicaid will dry up.

Opioid treatment gap in Medicare: methadone clinics

One in three older Americans with Medicare drug coverage is prescribed opioid painkillers, but for those who develop a dangerous addiction there is one treatment Medicare won't cover: Methadone is the oldest, and experts say, the most effective of the three approved medications used to treat opioid addiction. It eases cravings without an intense high, allowing patients to work with counselors to rebuild their lives.

The Health 202: Medicare is the name in Democrats’ health-care game

If you want to sell Americans a bill expanding the government's role in health care, be sure to include "Medicare" in the title. A crop of health-care legislation named after the popular and well-known federal insurance program for the elderly has sprung up over the past six months.

Dayton, lawmakers propose overhaul of senior care oversight

Gov. Mark Dayton and a bipartisan group of lawmakers proposed major changes to the state's oversight of Minnesota's elder care facilities on Tuesday, aiming to reverse years of pervasive abuse and neglect of Minnesota's seniors that was only recently revealed. Addressing widespread abuse of seniors - and the state's lax oversight - were a top priority for officials heading into 2018, following reporting by the Star Tribune last year that exposed maltreatment and the state's struggles to keep up with complaints.

How Trump’s budget would cut the safety net for the poorest Americans

Trump's vision for the budget adds to the deficit while cutting domestic programs such as food stamps that benefit people in need Harvey, Illinois, is a depressed suburb of Chicago that was hit hard by the sluggish economy. The president is also proposing work requirements for several federal programs including housing subsidies and Medicaid.

Trump’s $4.4 trillion budget moves deficit sharply higher

President Donald Trump unveiled a $4.4 trillion budget for next year that heralds an era of $1 trillion-plus federal deficits and - unlike the plan he released last year - never comes close to promising a balanced ledger even after 10 years. The growing deficits reflect, in great part, the impact of last year's tax overhaul, which is projected to cause federal tax revenue to drop.

President Trump’s $4 trillion budget helps move deficit sharply higher

President Donald Trump is proposing a $4 trillion-plus budget for next year that projects a $1 trillion or so federal deficit and - unlike the plan he released last year - never comes close to promising a balanced federal ledger even after 10 years. And that's before last week's $300 billion budget pact is added this year and next, showering both the Pentagon and domestic agencies with big increases.

Trump’s $4 trillion budget helps move deficit sharply higher

President Donald Trump is proposing a $4 trillion-plus budget for next year that projects a $1 trillion or so federal deficit and - unlike the plan he released last year - never comes close to promising a balanced federal ledger even after 10 years. And that's before last week's $300 billion budget pact is added this year and next, showering both the Pentagon and domestic agencies with big increases.

Trump to submit outdated budget

President Donald Trump's budget director said the budget that the administration will send to Congress today will seek to move some of the billions of dollars in extra spending that Congress approved last week to areas that will reflect the president's priorities. The original plan was for Trump's new budget to slash domestic agencies even further than last year's proposal, but instead it will land in Congress three days after he signed a two-year budget agreement that wholly rewrites both plans.

Trump budget plan already outdated after budget deal

In a twist on Washington's truism about presidential budgets being D.O.A., President Donald Trump's 2019 fiscal plan due Monday is dead before it gets there. The original plan was for Trump's new budget to slash domestic agencies even further than last year's proposal, but instead it will land in Congress three days after he signed a two-year budget agreement that wholly rewrites both plans.

Florida eye doctor gets 17 years for Medicare fraud

A prominent Florida eye doctor once accused of bribing Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey received a 17-year sentence Thursday for stealing $73 million from Medicare by persuading elderly patients to undergo excruciating tests and treatments they didn't need for diseases they didn't have. Dr. Salomon Melgen was convicted of 67 crimes including health care fraud, submitting false claims and falsifying records in patients' files.

Trump opens path for states to seek work requirements for Medicaid

In a major policy shift that could affect millions of low-income people, the Trump administration said Thursday it is offering a path for states that want to seek work requirements on Medicaid recipients. Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said work and community involvement can make a positive difference in people's lives and in their health.

Millions could face a tax hike if medical deduction is scrapped

Anne Hammer is one of millions of elderly Americans who could face a substantial tax hike in 2018 depending on the final negotiations over the Republican tax bill. Hammer is 71. Like many seniors, her medical bills are piling up.